BR Cruises

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What does the sentence mean?

This is the article:

My teacher had asked us to decipher a sentence in the article and summarize anyone care to explain!?
I’m not wishing the Internet away. It has become so integral to my work — to my life — that I honestly can’t recall what I did without it. But it has allowed us to reflexively indulge every passing interest, to expect answers to every fleeting question, to believe that if we search long enough, surf a little further, we can hit the dry land of knowing “everything that happens” and that such knowledge is both possible and desirable. In the end, though, there is just more sea, and as alluring as we can find the perpetual pursuit of little thoughts, the net result may only be to prevent us from forming the big ones. (Its the last sentence)

Answer :
The Internet contains so much information that it is easy to become fascinated by the small, unimportant facts and miss the bigger, more important pieces of information. In short, the Internet has become too big to be really useful.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rate/Fix my Perfect Cirlce deck?

This is my first attempt at a perfect circle deck so it might not be that good but, I put together a side deck and extra deck for it so check it out and rate/fix it thanks in advance. The side deck is more for a lockdown deck because I want to make it a perfect circle lockdown if I can.

Deck (43)

destiny hero malicious x2
destiny hero diamond dude
destiny hero fear monger
treeborn frog
dark armed dragon
spirit reaper
caius the shadow monarch
thestalos the firestorn monarch
kuraz the light monarch
cyber dragon
cyber valley
breaker the magical warrior
elemental hero stratos
d. d. crow
light and darkness dragon
snipe hunter
krebons x2
plaguespreader zombie

destiny draw x3
allure of darkness x2
emergency teleport
brain control
reinforcement of the army
mystical space typhoon
heavy storm
book of moon
gold sarcophogus
lightning vortex
magical stone excavation

mirror force
torrential tribute
solemn judgement
trap dustshoot
dark bribe
crush card virus
phoenix wing wind blast

extra deck(15)
stardust dragon
brionac dragon of the ice barrier
blackrose dragon
ancient fairy dragon
gaia knight force of earth
magical android
iron chain dragon
red dragon archfiend
ally of justice catastor
doomkaiser dragon
revived king ha des
sea dragon lord gishilnodon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
goyo guardian
ojama knight

side deck(15)
soul exchange x2
foolish burial
mind control
call of the haunted
elemental hero wildheart
destiny hero plasma
horus the black flame dragon lv6
horus the black flame dragon lv8
royal decree
imperial order
splendid venus
instant fusion

Answer :
I can't give much help with it, but check these two links and they should help you with fixing your deck.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Any one want to buy some yugioh cards?

This is a list more or less of what i have left after selling my JD and DAD's to my friends
I want to sell them .....but listing all that in ebay/Amazon is a ***** ....... Craig's list is retarded ...any one have any good ideas where i can sell them.......if you want some cards send me a email at

Secret rare

Arcana Force EX The dark Ruler
The End Of Anubis
Prime Material Falcon
Ice Queen
X-Saber Airbellum
Overdrive teleporter x2
Inmortal Ruler

Elemental Hero Inferno
Elemental Hero Shinning Flare Wingman

Parallel (ultimate) Rare

Big Core
B.E.S Tetran
Koaki'Meiru Drago

Evil Hero Lighting Golem

Ultra Rare

Arcana Force XXI The world X2
Battlestorm x2
Byser Shock
Guardian Sphinx
Spirit Of the Pharaoh
Black Tyranno
Super- Ancient Dinobeast
Ghost Knight Jackal
Mystical Knight Jackal
Mazera Deville TLM- ENSE3 x2
Exxod, Master of the Guard x2
Vampire Genesis x2
Felgrand Dragon
Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
Dark Eradicator Warlock
Card Ejector
Kaiser Sea Horse
Tuningware x3
Super Conductor Tyranno
Blue Eyes white Dragon [DB1-EN098]
Cyber Laser Dragon
Light & Darkness dragon x2
Earthbound Inmortal Chacu Challuha
Blackwing- Shura of the blue flame

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x2
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
XYZ Dragon Cannon
Cyber Ogre 2
Destiny End Dragon

Super Rares

Ducker Mobile cannon x2
Winged Rhynos x2
Doomsday Horror
Needle Burrower x2
Terrorking Archfiend x3
Buster Blader
B.E.S Covered core x2
B.E.S Teran
B.E.S Crystal Core
Cyber Esper
Helios The Primordial Sun x2
Helios Duo Megistus x2
Phantom Beast Cross Wing x3
Spear Dragon x2
Phantom beast Thunder pegasus x3
Vortex Trooper
Sasuke Samurai
Behemoth the king of all animals x2
Victory Viper XX03 x3
Phantom beast Rock Lizard
Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin x2
Fire princess x3
Machine King Misprint
Megarock Dragon
Haniball Necromancer x2
Ultimate Insect LV7 x2
Master Monk x3
Stone Statue of the aztecs
Phantom Beast Wild Horn
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon @__@ x2
Cyber Dragon x2
Road Synchron x4
Cyber Valley x2
koa'ki Meiru War Arms x1
Fortress Warrior x2

Demise king of Armageddon

Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
Xz Tank Cannon
Evil Hero Infernal Sniper

Spell Cards

Secret Rares

Mesmeric Control x2
Dark Magic Curtain
Heros Bond
Valhalla Hall of the Fallen x2

Ultimate Rare

Hero Flash

Ultra Rare

Diffusion Wave Motion x2
The Biggining Of the End
Power bond
Emergenct Teleport
Psychokinesis x2

Super Rare

Bubble Blaster x3
Fairy Meteor Crush x2
Card Destruction X2
SkyScraper X3
Acid rain x2
Wild Natures Release x2
Ancient Gear Castle
The Flute of Summoning Dragon x2
De Fusion x2
Dark Room Of Nighttmare
Monster Reincarnation
Over Destiny
Card Trader x2
Mask Of Dispel
Burst Return
Card of Sanctity
Light Of Redemption
A Fether of the Phoenix
Dark Hole x5
Gracefull Charity x3
Reinforcements of the army
Ancient forest
Dark eruption
black garden x2
Heavy storm
Solar recharge
Allure of darkness

Trap Cards

Secret Rare

Treasure Map
Hero Spirit
Imperial Order

Ultimate Rare

Psychic Overload
Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment
Damage Condenser
Royal Surrender x2
Goblin Out of the Friying Pan
Cross Counter
Fire Darts
Level Limit Area A
Life Equalizer

Ultra Rare

Chain destruction
Security Orb
Exchange of the Spirit x3
Torrential x2
Mirror Force [Damaged]
Metal Reflect Slime
Call of the haunted [Damage]

Super rare

Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment x2
Tradegy x2
Greed x3
Legacy Of Yata Garasu x3
Trap Of Board eraser x3
Magical Hats
the first Sarcophagus
Trojan blast
Jar of Greed x2
Damage Condenser
Backup Soldier x2
Barrel Behind The Door
The Grave Of Enkindling
Magic Jammer
Shadow Spell x2
Clay Charge
Hero Ring
Give and take
Des Counterblow
Cyber shadow Gardna


Road Warrior x2
Gaia Knight
Hyper psychic Blaster
Junk Warrior
Magical android
Colossal fighter
Thought ruler archfiend

Answer :
I would like to make offers on the following.....

Cyber Valley
Light & Darkness dragon
Solar recharge
Allure of darkness
Ancient forest
Dark eruption
black garden

Email me Back at and i'll email you back once i get the chance, kinda busy right now lol.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rate/Fix my Absolute Zero Deck?

Please rate/fix/comment on this deck. I want to take i t to regionals as soon as possible.
Please tell me what cards I should add in or take out. Also...if anyone has any Elemental Hero Absolute Zero for trade/sale....I need 3...if you have em...I will buy them or trade for them...just leave like a email address or whatever for me to contact you.

Dark Armed Dragon-1
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness-1
Cauis the Shadow Monarch-2
Elemental Hero Stratos-1
Elemental Hero Ocean-2
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude-2
Destiny Hero Malicious-2
Mystic Tomato-2
Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind-1
Plaguespreader Zombie-1
Deep Sea Diva-3

Destiny Draw-3
Allure of Darkness-2
Miracle Fusion-3
Reinforcements of the Army-1
Book of Moon-2
Brain Control-1
Heavy Storm-1

Call of the Haunted-1
Trap Dustshoot-1
Torrential Tribute-1
Mirror Force-1
Solemn Judgment-1
Trap Hole-2
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast-2

Extra Deck:
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero-3
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon-1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary-1
Ally of Justice Catastor-1
Goyo Guardian-1
Blackwing Armor Master-1
Stardust Dragon-2
Black Rose Dragon-1
Thought Ruler Archfiend-1
Mist Wurm-1
Ancient Fairy Dragon-1

Side Deck:
Skill Drain-3
Destiny Hero Defender-2
Legendary Jujitsu Master-2
Mirror of Oaths-2
D.D. Crow-2
Soul Release-2
Lightning Vortex-2

Answer :
This Would Help You Alot Many Rare Cards!!

Rate my Monarch Deck?

Still debating on what monarchs to use
Caius x3
Raiza x2
Cyber Dragon
Spirit Reaper
DD Survivor x3
Deep Sea Diva x 2
Blackingwing Gale
Cyber Valley x2
Spy x2
Neo Spacian Grand Mole
DD Scout Planes x2

Dimmensionals Fussions x3
Heavy Storm
Allure of darkness
Lightning Vortex
Space Typhoon
Soul Exchange
Brain Control

Macro Cosmos x2
Mirror Force
Dust Tornado
Return of the DD
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Traphole

Please feel free to comment and correct it

Answer :
Monsters [18]
[3] Caius, the Shadow Monarch
[2] Raiza, the Storm Monarch
[1] Dark Dust Spirit
[1] Cyber Dragon
[3] Cyber Valley
[3] D.D. Survivor
[2] Krebons
[2] Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1] Morphing Jar

Spells [11]
[2] Allure of Darkness
[3] Dimesional Fissure
[1] Emergency Teleport
[1] Reinforcements of the Army
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Gravekeeper's Servant
[1] Brain Control
[1] Mind Control

Traps [11]
[2] Macro Cosmos
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Dark Bribe
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Torrential Tribute
[1] Escape from the Different Dimension
[1] Return from the Different Dimension

heres my build. i run it irl and it works really well. feel free to take ideas from it

AU Cruises

Usa Cruises

UK Cruises

JP Cruises