BR Cruises

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is this a good necroface deck?

Extra deck

Sea dragon lordx1
Goyo guardianx1
Blackwing armed wingx1
Blackwing armor masterx1
Black rosex1
Thought rulerx2
Red dragonx1
Colossal fighterx1

Chaos sorcererx2
Cyber dragonx1
Dimensional alchemisx3
Gren Majux2
Blackwing galex1

Soul releasex1
Allure of darknessx2
Book of moonx2
Smashing groundx1
Brain controlx1
Giant trunadex1
Heavy stormx1

DD dynamitex2
Return from the different dimensionx1
Threatening roarx2

I don't have gold sarc or cyber valley but I think I need them. Please rate comment

Answer :
do get gold sarcophagus. If you use it with necro face, used with soul absorbition. You can gain tons of lifepoints.

After that DD dynamite can damage your opponet big time afterwards.

But then again those are suggestions for this side deck since people hhave macro decks.

I noticed you have 15 monsters. Add more to even out the balance.add someone like marshmallon or 2 arcana force 0 the fool. Good for stalling for some cards. It will also had more light monsters for chaos sorcerer

Answer :
get skull lair it works so awesome with necroface

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The red eyes darkness metal dragon deck of 10/09 rate and advice please?

here is my red eyes darkness metal dragon deck.
Monster 21 or 22
3x REDMD 10 stars
2x White Knight Dragon 8 stars
1x Dark Hours 8 stars
1x The Dark Creator 8 stars
1x Sky Scourge Norleras 8 stars
1x Dark Arm Dragon 7 stars
2x Prime Material Dragon 6 stars
1x Genesis Dragon 6 stars
1x Infernal Dragon 4 stars
1x Koa'ki Meiru Drago 4 stars
2x Red Eyes Wyvern 4 stars
2x Phantom Of Chaos 4 stars (aka Puddle)
1x Dark Grepher 4 stars
1x Exploder Dragon 4 stars
1x Morphing Jar 2 stars
(1x Plaguespreader Zombie 2 stars) sometimes i main it sometimes not played or sided

Spells 14
2x Allure Of Darkness
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x MST
1x Future Fusion
1x Foolish Burial
2x D.D.R.
1x Burial From A Different Dimension
2x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Trade-In

Traps 5
2x Dark Bribe
2x Royal Decree
1x Threatening Roar

Side Monster 10 Spells 1 traps 3

1x The Dark Creator 8 stars
2x Dark Hours 8 stars
1x White Knight Dragon 8 stars
1x Sky Scourge Norleras 8 stars
1x Genesis Dragon 6 stars
1x Koa'ki Meiru Drago 4 stars
1x Red Eyes Wyvern 4 stars
1x Armageddon Knight 4 stars
1x Magna Drago 2 stars

1x Trade-In

1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Threatening Roar

Extra 15
2x Five-Headed Dragon 12 stars
1x Trident Dragon 10 stars
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend 8 stars
1x Red Dragon Archfiend 8 stars
2x Stardust Dragon 8 stars
2x Colossal Fighter 8 stars
1x Exploder Dragonwing 7 stars
1x Black Rose Dragon 7 stars
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon 7 stars
1x Goyo Guardian 6 stars
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon 5 stars
1x Magical Android 5 stars

I'm currently playing this deck as is. I was told to get another exploding dragon, which I will. Any good criticism is accepted and please rate and advice my deck. Explain why you would take certain card out and why would you advice to add a certain card. Also i am confuse on the ruling of bottomless trap hole. i was told that if I summon prime and opponent activate bottomless i cant chain prime ability to negate it(that rule also applies to stardust dragon) so prime will get destroy and remove. So is that rule correct or wrong? That question must be answer by a Konomi Judge lvl 3 or higher. Cause the place i play at say that is the new rules a judge told them during the regional. I also went to the regional, but never had that problem.

Answer :
um throw out some of the higher cost ones. harder to get out. but i play a beat down so oh well

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yugioh: Blackwing Deck Check/Fix Side Deck Reccomendations?

This Blackwing Deck often loses to Deep Sea Diva, Monarch, Lightsworn, Dark Armed Assault Mode, and Creature Swap. Can you give me some reccomendations for a side deck. Here is the deck list:
Extra Deck:
Stardust x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Blackwing Armed Wing
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Colossal Fighter
Red Dragon Archfiend
Ancient Fairy Dragon

Sirocco x3
Bora x3
Kalut the Moon Shadow x3
Elphin x2
Blizzard x2
The Dark Creator

Black Whirlwind x3
Allure x2
Mind Control
Dark Eruption
Swallow's Nest
Cold Wave
Giant Trunade
Mystical Space Typhoon
Brain Control

Icarus Attack x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrental Tribute
Delta Crow
Call of the Haunted
Threatening Roar
Ultimate Offering

Answer :
the deck its self is good, gut get rid of ultimate offering. add in another delta crow or something. side deck should always be 2 d.d crow, and 3 lightimprsing mirror maybe even a royal opression

Answer :
Get rid of Elphin he's useless, you might think otherwise, but really take them out. Also battlestorm isn't good. If you look at a competive blackwing deck they don't run battlestorm and for good reason. There should be 3 shura and 3 blizzard. The dark creator shouldn't be in here, however it's counterpart, dark armed dragon, DEFINATLY should be in here. Mistral and fane are the worst blackwings and should be taken out. There should be three dark eruptions and three swallows nest. Cold wave isn't needed because of the Delta crows. Mind controll is useless, stick with brain control. Take out two Icarus attacks, you can't afford to be tributing that many monsters. Put in two more delta crows instead. Try to get mirror force, until you get one threatening roar should suit you fine. Take out Ultimate offering.

Also if there isn't enough cards put in a heavy storm soul exchange morphing jar and if you STILL don't have enough cards put in a dark creator. BUT those changes are only to be made if you have under 40 cards in your deck. Otherwise leave these cards out.

Now the syncros,

For this deck you should have a syncro deck somewhat close to this

Magical andoid
goyo guardian
brionic the ice barrier dragon (this comes out next tues. try to get it!)
blackwing armed wing x3
blackwing armor master x3
black rose dragon
collosal fighter
thought ruler archfiend
Red dragon archfiend
stardust x2

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Please Rate and help on my Blackwing Deck?

Deck - 42 Cards

Monsters - 21
Blackwing - Shura the blue Flame x3
Blackwing - Bora the Spear x3
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North x3
Blackwing - Kalut the moon Shadow x3
Blackwing - Elphin the Raven x1
Blackwing - Sirocco The Dawn x3
Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain x1
Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield x1
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Dark Arm Dragon x1

Spell cards - 13
Black Whirlwind x3
Giant Trunade x1
Dark Eruption x2
Brain Control x1
Pot of Avarice x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Allure of Darkness x2
Lightning Vortex x1
Heavy storm x1

Trap cards - 8
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Delta Crow - Anti Reverse x1
Threatening Roar x1
Icarus Attack x2
Torrential Tribute x1

Extra Deck - 12
Blackwing Amor Master x3
Blackwing Armed Wing x1
Gaia Knightm the Force of Earth x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon x1
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Answer :
- 1 Blizzard
+ Dark Creator (it works really well with Black Rose Dragon and easy to summon in Blackwings)

For Synchros:
+ 1 Iron Chain Dragon
+ 1 Colossal Fighter
+ 1 Blackwing Armed Wing
- Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
+ 1 Blackwing Silverwind the Ascendant (you can Synchro summon it by summoning Blizzard and reviving Fane the Steel Chain then Special Summon Bora and Synchro it)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What do you think of the intro to my story?

Elizabeth Sanderson sat in her History class with her peers silently reading from their textbooks. She stared out the window as her teacher wrote key points on the board, staring at nothing in particular. Her mind drifted to the weekend’s events and she thought about what had happened. She didn’t know how she was supposed to feel or if she would ever be able to confront her friends for this. There was no one to go to for advice, not her parents and especially not her friends. She began playing with her hair, a nervous habit she had to twirl it in her fingers.
She was a very popular girl in her senior year at Driftwood High School, with beautiful long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were filled with compassion and twinkled with spontaneity. Spending most of free time out on the sunny California beaches, she had an attractive tan about her. Being a ballet dancer gave her a strong, slender physique that any girl would dream of. She cared about everyone, even the people who were often made fun of. There was an alluring way about her and a sense of confidence that people envied. Though all her friends were envied for their looks and popular because of their characters, she stood out among them.
Despite all the friends she had, today she was alone. Alone, the word echoed in her thoughts. She glanced at the seat next to her, normally occupied by her best friend Jamie but was presently empty. She wondered if Jamie would even show up at her house later today to study. Elizabeth often longed for the privacy that Jamie had from her parents. Jamie’s parents were away on business most of the time, which left Jamie with an empty house which was convenient for being alone or throwing parties, like the one they had on Friday. It was probably the biggest party they had thrown and therefore left the biggest mess. When they woke the morning after, they had spent hours cleaning the house with the help of some of their friends who had stayed the night. It had been a fun night, for the most part.
With a quick shake of her head, ridding her thoughts of the memory and coming back to the present, she glanced at the clock on the wall. She had only been in class for twenty minutes but she was ready to leave. She grinned as she observed her class peacefully reading, some people so peaceful they had fallen asleep. To confirm the time, she found her phone in her purse and checked the time. She sighed, finding that the clock on the wall was right and she still had another forty five minutes of class. After a few minutes of reading, Elizabeth decided she wasn’t in the mood for learning about the American government system. She saw her phone light up and read a text message from Matt, “Hey what’s up? You ok?” Laughing, she looked across the room to him and smiled, he was sitting a few rows away. His charming green eyes peered at her inquisitively and she proceeded to respond with, “Yea, just tired. I got a bad nights’ sleep”. As much as she wanted to confide in Matt, her best male friend, she couldn’t have his or anyone’s comfort. She thought of Jamie, who was probably still in bed in the comfort of her pajamas, lucky enough not to have to face the day.
For the remainder of class, Elizabeth was engaged in a texting conversation with Matt. They discussed a variety of topics including the upcoming football game that weekend and other plans for the weekend. Elizabeth knew Matt always had always liked her but he knew she wasn’t ready for another committed relationship. As much as she wanted to try being in a relationship again, she wasn’t ready to trust men again. She always admired Matt for his compassion towards her, and his romantic wit. His looks were charming with dirty blonde hair and mysterious, sea green eyes set in a tan, handsome face. He was about 6 feet tall, very athletic with a toned, muscular body. He came from a wealthy family, his father a slave to his successful law firm. Matt was any girls dream date, for he was polite, charming, and handsome. There was something about him that Elizabeth found so mysterious, which might be partly why she hadn’t trusted him yet to be more than a friend. The bell rang and class was out, she grabbed her stuff and walked down the hall to her locker with Matt discussing options for lunch.

Answer :
1. Too much description. Make it gradual and fit in with the story so your reader learns the details without feeling as though you stopped to tell them.

2. Yes, it's kind of obvious about Matt and Elizabeth.

3.The best characters are imperfect. I always say it's good to go for good looking characters who struggle with behavior or not so good-looking people who actually make an unnoticed, positive difference. I like characters to display humanishness.

4. The suspense is carried out too long. Why is she alone?

And that's about all I think. I hope it serves as helpful criticism.

Answer :
In my scanning of it, I didnt see anything worth noting as terrible... Although:

Holy hellova wall of text.

Answer :
i read the first paragraph and a half...looks like the most typical popular girl story:

She was a very popular girl in her senior year at Driftwood High School, with beautiful long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were filled with compassion and twinkled with spontaneity. Spending most of free time out on the sunny California beaches, she had an attractive tan about her. Being a ballet dancer gave her a strong, slender physique that any girl would dream of. She cared about everyone, even the people who were often made fun of. There was an alluring way about her and a sense of confidence that people envied. Though all her friends were envied for their looks and popular because of their characters, she stood out among them.

it just seems a little...bland?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some critiques or comments on this poem?

As I slumbered along that wintry road
In a night accursed as it was bleak,
I dreamt I saw the holy firmament,
Somberly draped in ethereal mystique.
Beloved sights of the almighty, aloft!
Tranquil and resplendent amidst cherubs pure,
Crowned with divinity and o! hallowed sights;
So in awe was I of his guarded allure.
With knighted brow and majestic beauty
Sat our lord before seas of tranquility,
Smooth as glass and about Heaven sprawled,
In the golden warmth cast by angels enthralled,
Whilst all thrones in exuberance, enrapt,
Flew o’er the vast expanse, spurred
By a risen sun; ride, o fleet of heart
And whimsy, lest into sin you be lured
As our mortal father in Eden of auld,
With the fatal morn of innocence, marked,
And with Wisdom crowned did take his shame, enthralled,
And from silent grove with fire thronged, embark.

The last seven lines feel off. I have be reworking it for awhile now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Additional Details

I apologize - I meant 'I have been reworking it for awhile now'. Oops.

4 months ago

Your chronic disliking of everything I write has overstayed its welcome - and its already past due. Your complaints of foul treatment at the hands of other folks on this site is a two-way street, I see. You only laud praise on the ones who return the favor, Ian. I have been guilty of this particular trait myself - thus, I refrain from answering other people's posts. I am here strictly for critiques – the same should apply to you.

Answer :
All of it feels off - my suggestion is that you ask your doctor to increase your medication. Pompous and pretentious - as usual.

(And surely you mean 'lumbered' in L1? Or do you actually mean you 'slept' along the road?)

Wrong! I only praise what I consider worthy, regardless of whether it is reciprocated or not. And rest assured - line 1 (and the rest) is definitely a 'mistake', whether you intended it or not.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Help out wit my deep sea zombie deck please?

Monsters: 22

2 malicious
1 stratos
1 dad
1 fear monger
2 diamond dude
1 psz
2 mezuki
1 goblin zombie
1 pyramid turtle
1 spirit reaper
1 caius
1 zombie master
1 gorz
1 gale
3 deep sea diva
2 krebons

spells: 14

3 d-draw
2 allure
1 e-tele
1 heavy
1 mst
1 brain
1 vortex
1 foolish burial
1 burial from a different dimension
1 mind control
1 rota

traps: 6

1 mirror force
1 torrential tribute
1 call of the haunted
2 bottomless trap hole
1 solemn judgment

so far its semi-consistant. any suggestions will be welcomed.

Answer :
I have the deck and find that diva's are better at 2....and any tier 1 deck that includes them only has the's a hurtful dead draw at times. The changes I made help for consistancy and help OTK. With a 2nd Burial it opens up for more synchros and sp. summons with mezukis. A 2nd Caius will help take down anything big you can't get passed and the trunade and cold wave also help so the swarm isn't destroyed or negated. G'luck

Monsters: 20
2 malicious
1 stratos
1 dad
1 D. Grepher
1 diamond dude
1 psz
2 mezuki
1 goblin zombie
1 pyramid turtle
1 spirit reaper
2 Caius
1 gorz
1 gale
2 deep sea diva
2 Necro Guardna

spells: 15
3 d-draw
2 allure
1 heavy
1 mst
1 Trunade
1 brain
1 vortex
2 burial from a different dimension
1 mind control
1 rota
1 Cold Wave

traps: 5
1 mirror force
1 torrential tribute
2 bottomless trap hole
1 solemn judgment

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I know Oasis-of-the-seas and Allure-of-the-seas will be sister ships by Dec '10, but exactly how identical?

I got two cruises booked on Royal Carribean for 2010. I'm so excited, I've peed in my pants several times with glee!!! LOL (One cruise in May to the Western Carribean on Oasis-of-the-seas and one cruise in December to the Eastern Carribean on Allure-of-the-seas.) So I know they are sister ships (Allure being the bratty younger, but does anyone know if there is gonna be any interior difference to them at all...or are these gonna be identical sisters down to the anchor? Thanks everyone! :)

Answer :
I think allure is going to be a bit smaller but usually sister ships or same class ships are the same layout wise but have different decor

Answer :
Technically and structurally they are identical, as to the final decor that is yet to be seen.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is this a good deck for a hooby league tournament?

3 X-Saber Airbellum
1 Summoner Monk
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Sangan
1 Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Rescue Cat
2 Gravekeeper’s Spy
1 Sea Koala
2 Mystic Tomato
1 D.D. Crow
1 Rose, Warrior of Revenge
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Cyber Dragon

1 Cold Wave
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Brain Control
1 Giant Trunade
2 Allure of Darkness
1 Mind Control
2 Creature Swap
2 Book of Moon
1 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Trap Dustshoot
2 Royal Oppression
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute

2 Pulling the Rug
2 Mirror of Oaths
2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2 Royal Decree
1 Mind Crush
1 Threatening Roar
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Trap Eater
2 Legendary Jujitsu Master
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Colossal Fighter
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Goyo Guardian
1 XX-Saber Gottoms
1 X-Saber Urbellum
2 Arcanite Magician
1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Magical Android
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Psychic Lifetrancer
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Answer :
Well Hobby leagues are Amature, so msot likely you won't need a powered deck, but it looks good to me, if you're entering bst of luck to you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Yugioh Synchro Diva Deck help?

I consider myself fairly experienced, but I would like some input on this deck I recently put together. I like it, but I think it needs something to make it better. Any and all suggestions welcome.

Main Deck: 3 x Deep Sea Diva
1 x Mermaid Archer
3 x Gravekeeper's Spy
1 x Gravekeeper's Guard
2 x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1 x Krebons
1 x Psychic Commander
1 x Rose, Warrior of Revenge
1 x Sangan
1 x D. D. Warrior Lady
1 x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1 x Cyber Dragon
3 x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 x Allure of Darkness
1 x Brain Control
1 x Mind Control
1 x Creature Swap
1 x Lightning Vortex
2 x Book of Moon
1 x Giant Trunade
1 x Smashing Ground
1 x Emergency Teleport
1 x Heavy Storm
1 x My Body as a Shield
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Mirror Force
1 x Torrential Tribute
1 x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Judgement
2 x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 x Dust Tornado

Extra Deck: 1 x Magical Android
1 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Gaia Knight, Force of Earth
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Black Rose Dragon
1 x Arcanite Magician
1 x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 x Psychic Lifetrancer
2 x Stardust Dragon
1 x Colossal Fighter
1 x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 x Mist Wurm

Side Deck: In progress

Answer :
you need an ace card, something to try to use during the whole duel and some cards to help you bring it out, maybe think about spellcasters they have a lot of ace cards or maybe a earthbound immortal or two but you will need at least 1 field card, two or three may be better. or maybe a god card. I think it is good that you have a lot of different cards it makes it easy to draw a card that you may otherwise not have in your deck. type decks seem to focus on a certain strategy like... spellcasters focus on spell cards

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rate my Blackwing deck.And any suggestions?

This is my Yu-Gi-Oh blackwing deck post September 1st banlist. Please rate and comment.

Monsters x21
Blackwing-Bora The Spear x3
Blackwing-Sirocco The Dawn x3
Blackwing-Kalut The Moon Shadow x3
Blackwing-Elphin The Raven x1
Blackwing-Shura The Blue Flame x3
Blackwing-Gale The Whirlwind x1
Blackwing-Blizzard The Far North x2
Blackwing-Mistral The Silver Shield x1
The Dark Creator x1
Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness x1
Caius the shadow monarch x1
Sangan x1

Spells x12
Brain Control x1
Book Of Moon x2
Allure Of Darkness x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Black Whirlwind x3
Lightning Vortex x1
Mind Control x1
Dark eruption x1

Traps x10
Delta Crow-Anti Reverse x1
Icarus Attack x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Dark Bribe x1
Mirror Force x1
Threatening Roar x1

Colossal Fighter x1
Blackwing Armor Master x1
Blackwing Armed Wing x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Iron Chain Dragon x1
Power Tool Dragon x1
Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth x1
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon x1

Answer :
Dude,your deck looks really good!I like your style with the new blackwings.I had a blackwing deck as well,and they work wonders.I just had 1 more dark creator and 3 icrus attacks,thats prbly just it.Good work! 10/10!!

Answer :
more ravens
fewer boras
more gales
no book of moons
add mystic plasma zone
get blackwing silverwind the acsendent

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Does quillbolt the hedgehog fit in my monarch deck.... rate/fix please?

monsters 21x

dark armed dragon
caius the shadow monarch x2
raiza the storm monarch x3
D.D.warrior lady
mystic tomato
gravekeeper's spy x2
phychic commander
necro gardna x3
spirit readper
krebons x2
Quillbolt hedgehog
treeborn frog

Spells x10
Allure of Darkness x2
Emergency Teleport
Pot of Avarice
Brain Control
Lightning Vortex
Enemy Controller X2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm

Traps x9
Call of the Haunted
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast( i need another)
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Reckless Greed x3

Extra Deck x13
Stardust Dragon x3
Red Dragon Archfiend
Colossal Fighter
Arcanite Magician
Black Rose Dragon
Psychic Lifetrancer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Goyo Guardian
Iron Chain Dragon
Magical Android
Sea Dragon Lord gishilnodon
(i need a armory arm and a thought ruler archfiend)

the reason i put quillbot in the deck is because once i summon psychic commander or krebons i can get quillbolt from the grave and sync or if i use emergency teley with no other monsters on the feild i can reborn quillbolt sync. but i need the armory arm so i can sync quillbolt with krebons without it i can still use psychic commander but it wont be as often. i'm going to a tournament in a week and i know somebody who will trade it to me so lets just say i have a armory arm for now :)

Answer :
Ok first here is the Effect of "Quillbolt Hedgehog"
If you control a face-up Tuner monster, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If this card was Summoned this way, remove it from play when it is removed from the field.

Ok you Have 3 Tuners "2 XKrebons and 1X Phsycic Commander" and You have 40 Cards Deck So i would Say Put it,It might Help you in a really Bad time
But Put this in you'r Mind,I know Monarch decks are amazingly Strong but "Blackwings,Lightsworn...ETC" Might become a Little Problem to you,Especially When The New "The Shining Darkness" Booster Pack is Coming,So i would say You Should Make a "Side deck" and always take it with you,You know Just in Case ;)

Ok Now Lets See you'r deck


Monsters are All good,but you Forgot a Really good card That would Help you Alot
"Dandylion",Which is a Good way To Summon the Monarch fast
Hmmm "Gravekeepers Spy",I Would Suggest taking out Thouse 2 and Put 3 Copies of "Giant Germ" But its really up to you,All you need is a Good dark Monsters to Summone "Dark Armed Dragon" Fast ^_^
and you know what,"Gravekeeprs Spy" is Really Good With his High Defence Points :P
Ummm Have you evern consider Running "Mobius The Frost Monarch" DUDE that Card is my Favorite Monarch and Its really Comes Handy in a bad Time ;)
So I Would Take out One Raisa and Put Mobius But Again,its Up to you
8/10 for The Monsters


AMAZING,You put all the good Spells that is Need For a Monarch Deck,But here are some cards that also might help you

Book Of Moon
Soul exchange
Hammer shot

I cant say anything for the spells 10/10

Trap Cards:

Very good too,but i want to Ask you,Why are you running so Much "Let you draw" cards?
You have 2 Allure of Darkness and 3 Reckless Greed,I would say Take Out 1 Reckless greed and Put Utleast Some Cards that destroy Monsters

Widespread Ruin
Sakuretsu armor

Also You dont have have Negating Traps and Spell cards,DUDE You Need To run "Dark Bribe"
8/10 For the trap cards

This Deck is REALLY Strong,but have some Simple Weakness you need to Fill
here Read this,i thik it will Help you…

BEST OF LUCK and Happy New Year

Answer :
for the monarch deck its self ill give it a 5/10

you should stick to this

3 cauis
2 mobius
2 razia
3 krebons
1 plauqe spreader
3 psychic commander
2 D.D warrior lady
3 quillbolt hedgehog
1 cyber dragon

2 allure
1 e tele
1 brain control
1 lightning
1 mst
1 heavy storm
2 enemy controler
1 mind control
2 soul release

call of the haunted
torrentila tribute
mirror force
trap dusthoot
bottomless trap hole (x2)
3 pheonix wind wing blast

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What does the sentence mean?

This is the article:

My teacher had asked us to decipher a sentence in the article and summarize anyone care to explain!?
I’m not wishing the Internet away. It has become so integral to my work — to my life — that I honestly can’t recall what I did without it. But it has allowed us to reflexively indulge every passing interest, to expect answers to every fleeting question, to believe that if we search long enough, surf a little further, we can hit the dry land of knowing “everything that happens” and that such knowledge is both possible and desirable. In the end, though, there is just more sea, and as alluring as we can find the perpetual pursuit of little thoughts, the net result may only be to prevent us from forming the big ones. (Its the last sentence)

Answer :
The Internet contains so much information that it is easy to become fascinated by the small, unimportant facts and miss the bigger, more important pieces of information. In short, the Internet has become too big to be really useful.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rate/Fix my Perfect Cirlce deck?

This is my first attempt at a perfect circle deck so it might not be that good but, I put together a side deck and extra deck for it so check it out and rate/fix it thanks in advance. The side deck is more for a lockdown deck because I want to make it a perfect circle lockdown if I can.

Deck (43)

destiny hero malicious x2
destiny hero diamond dude
destiny hero fear monger
treeborn frog
dark armed dragon
spirit reaper
caius the shadow monarch
thestalos the firestorn monarch
kuraz the light monarch
cyber dragon
cyber valley
breaker the magical warrior
elemental hero stratos
d. d. crow
light and darkness dragon
snipe hunter
krebons x2
plaguespreader zombie

destiny draw x3
allure of darkness x2
emergency teleport
brain control
reinforcement of the army
mystical space typhoon
heavy storm
book of moon
gold sarcophogus
lightning vortex
magical stone excavation

mirror force
torrential tribute
solemn judgement
trap dustshoot
dark bribe
crush card virus
phoenix wing wind blast

extra deck(15)
stardust dragon
brionac dragon of the ice barrier
blackrose dragon
ancient fairy dragon
gaia knight force of earth
magical android
iron chain dragon
red dragon archfiend
ally of justice catastor
doomkaiser dragon
revived king ha des
sea dragon lord gishilnodon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
goyo guardian
ojama knight

side deck(15)
soul exchange x2
foolish burial
mind control
call of the haunted
elemental hero wildheart
destiny hero plasma
horus the black flame dragon lv6
horus the black flame dragon lv8
royal decree
imperial order
splendid venus
instant fusion

Answer :
I can't give much help with it, but check these two links and they should help you with fixing your deck.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Any one want to buy some yugioh cards?

This is a list more or less of what i have left after selling my JD and DAD's to my friends
I want to sell them .....but listing all that in ebay/Amazon is a ***** ....... Craig's list is retarded ...any one have any good ideas where i can sell them.......if you want some cards send me a email at

Secret rare

Arcana Force EX The dark Ruler
The End Of Anubis
Prime Material Falcon
Ice Queen
X-Saber Airbellum
Overdrive teleporter x2
Inmortal Ruler

Elemental Hero Inferno
Elemental Hero Shinning Flare Wingman

Parallel (ultimate) Rare

Big Core
B.E.S Tetran
Koaki'Meiru Drago

Evil Hero Lighting Golem

Ultra Rare

Arcana Force XXI The world X2
Battlestorm x2
Byser Shock
Guardian Sphinx
Spirit Of the Pharaoh
Black Tyranno
Super- Ancient Dinobeast
Ghost Knight Jackal
Mystical Knight Jackal
Mazera Deville TLM- ENSE3 x2
Exxod, Master of the Guard x2
Vampire Genesis x2
Felgrand Dragon
Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
Dark Eradicator Warlock
Card Ejector
Kaiser Sea Horse
Tuningware x3
Super Conductor Tyranno
Blue Eyes white Dragon [DB1-EN098]
Cyber Laser Dragon
Light & Darkness dragon x2
Earthbound Inmortal Chacu Challuha
Blackwing- Shura of the blue flame

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x2
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
XYZ Dragon Cannon
Cyber Ogre 2
Destiny End Dragon

Super Rares

Ducker Mobile cannon x2
Winged Rhynos x2
Doomsday Horror
Needle Burrower x2
Terrorking Archfiend x3
Buster Blader
B.E.S Covered core x2
B.E.S Teran
B.E.S Crystal Core
Cyber Esper
Helios The Primordial Sun x2
Helios Duo Megistus x2
Phantom Beast Cross Wing x3
Spear Dragon x2
Phantom beast Thunder pegasus x3
Vortex Trooper
Sasuke Samurai
Behemoth the king of all animals x2
Victory Viper XX03 x3
Phantom beast Rock Lizard
Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin x2
Fire princess x3
Machine King Misprint
Megarock Dragon
Haniball Necromancer x2
Ultimate Insect LV7 x2
Master Monk x3
Stone Statue of the aztecs
Phantom Beast Wild Horn
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon @__@ x2
Cyber Dragon x2
Road Synchron x4
Cyber Valley x2
koa'ki Meiru War Arms x1
Fortress Warrior x2

Demise king of Armageddon

Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
Xz Tank Cannon
Evil Hero Infernal Sniper

Spell Cards

Secret Rares

Mesmeric Control x2
Dark Magic Curtain
Heros Bond
Valhalla Hall of the Fallen x2

Ultimate Rare

Hero Flash

Ultra Rare

Diffusion Wave Motion x2
The Biggining Of the End
Power bond
Emergenct Teleport
Psychokinesis x2

Super Rare

Bubble Blaster x3
Fairy Meteor Crush x2
Card Destruction X2
SkyScraper X3
Acid rain x2
Wild Natures Release x2
Ancient Gear Castle
The Flute of Summoning Dragon x2
De Fusion x2
Dark Room Of Nighttmare
Monster Reincarnation
Over Destiny
Card Trader x2
Mask Of Dispel
Burst Return
Card of Sanctity
Light Of Redemption
A Fether of the Phoenix
Dark Hole x5
Gracefull Charity x3
Reinforcements of the army
Ancient forest
Dark eruption
black garden x2
Heavy storm
Solar recharge
Allure of darkness

Trap Cards

Secret Rare

Treasure Map
Hero Spirit
Imperial Order

Ultimate Rare

Psychic Overload
Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment
Damage Condenser
Royal Surrender x2
Goblin Out of the Friying Pan
Cross Counter
Fire Darts
Level Limit Area A
Life Equalizer

Ultra Rare

Chain destruction
Security Orb
Exchange of the Spirit x3
Torrential x2
Mirror Force [Damaged]
Metal Reflect Slime
Call of the haunted [Damage]

Super rare

Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment x2
Tradegy x2
Greed x3
Legacy Of Yata Garasu x3
Trap Of Board eraser x3
Magical Hats
the first Sarcophagus
Trojan blast
Jar of Greed x2
Damage Condenser
Backup Soldier x2
Barrel Behind The Door
The Grave Of Enkindling
Magic Jammer
Shadow Spell x2
Clay Charge
Hero Ring
Give and take
Des Counterblow
Cyber shadow Gardna


Road Warrior x2
Gaia Knight
Hyper psychic Blaster
Junk Warrior
Magical android
Colossal fighter
Thought ruler archfiend

Answer :
I would like to make offers on the following.....

Cyber Valley
Light & Darkness dragon
Solar recharge
Allure of darkness
Ancient forest
Dark eruption
black garden

Email me Back at and i'll email you back once i get the chance, kinda busy right now lol.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rate/Fix my Absolute Zero Deck?

Please rate/fix/comment on this deck. I want to take i t to regionals as soon as possible.
Please tell me what cards I should add in or take out. Also...if anyone has any Elemental Hero Absolute Zero for trade/sale....I need 3...if you have em...I will buy them or trade for them...just leave like a email address or whatever for me to contact you.

Dark Armed Dragon-1
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness-1
Cauis the Shadow Monarch-2
Elemental Hero Stratos-1
Elemental Hero Ocean-2
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude-2
Destiny Hero Malicious-2
Mystic Tomato-2
Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind-1
Plaguespreader Zombie-1
Deep Sea Diva-3

Destiny Draw-3
Allure of Darkness-2
Miracle Fusion-3
Reinforcements of the Army-1
Book of Moon-2
Brain Control-1
Heavy Storm-1

Call of the Haunted-1
Trap Dustshoot-1
Torrential Tribute-1
Mirror Force-1
Solemn Judgment-1
Trap Hole-2
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast-2

Extra Deck:
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero-3
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon-1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary-1
Ally of Justice Catastor-1
Goyo Guardian-1
Blackwing Armor Master-1
Stardust Dragon-2
Black Rose Dragon-1
Thought Ruler Archfiend-1
Mist Wurm-1
Ancient Fairy Dragon-1

Side Deck:
Skill Drain-3
Destiny Hero Defender-2
Legendary Jujitsu Master-2
Mirror of Oaths-2
D.D. Crow-2
Soul Release-2
Lightning Vortex-2

Answer :
This Would Help You Alot Many Rare Cards!!

Rate my Monarch Deck?

Still debating on what monarchs to use
Caius x3
Raiza x2
Cyber Dragon
Spirit Reaper
DD Survivor x3
Deep Sea Diva x 2
Blackingwing Gale
Cyber Valley x2
Spy x2
Neo Spacian Grand Mole
DD Scout Planes x2

Dimmensionals Fussions x3
Heavy Storm
Allure of darkness
Lightning Vortex
Space Typhoon
Soul Exchange
Brain Control

Macro Cosmos x2
Mirror Force
Dust Tornado
Return of the DD
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Traphole

Please feel free to comment and correct it

Answer :
Monsters [18]
[3] Caius, the Shadow Monarch
[2] Raiza, the Storm Monarch
[1] Dark Dust Spirit
[1] Cyber Dragon
[3] Cyber Valley
[3] D.D. Survivor
[2] Krebons
[2] Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1] Morphing Jar

Spells [11]
[2] Allure of Darkness
[3] Dimesional Fissure
[1] Emergency Teleport
[1] Reinforcements of the Army
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Gravekeeper's Servant
[1] Brain Control
[1] Mind Control

Traps [11]
[2] Macro Cosmos
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Dark Bribe
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Torrential Tribute
[1] Escape from the Different Dimension
[1] Return from the Different Dimension

heres my build. i run it irl and it works really well. feel free to take ideas from it

Monday, August 30, 2010

French Twilight Yugioh deck rate/fix please!?

This is my French Twilight deck but with a d-hero twist. I have added my predictions for the march ban 2010. Here it is:

1 Judgment Dragon
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Chaos Sorcerer
2 Tragoedia
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
2 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
1 Destiny Hero Plasma

1 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
1 Ehren. Lightsworn Monk
1 Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
2 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
2 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
3 Necro Gardna
3 Honest
1 Sangan
2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
1 Plaguespreader Zombie

2 Charge of The Light Brigade
3 Solar Recharge
1 Monster Reincarnation
1 Scapegoat
1 Heavy Storm
2 Allure of Darkness

2 Beckoning Light
1 Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck:
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Magical Android
1 Sea Dragon Lord Gishil'nodon
1 Collossal Fighter
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon

Answer :
that's actually pretty cool, however i would prefer still using two JDs, three wulfs, and no sangan. but either than that's, it's pretty damn good.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Future Royal Caribbean Ships?

I know RCCL doesn't plan on building any new ships besides the Allure of the Seas anytime soon but.... What do you think Royal will do next? Obvisouly if they can remain profitable with the two Oasis class ships they would consider building bigger/better right? What do you think they would/should feature on the ship? Also, how big do you think they would build it?

Answer :
I think they'll do like they've done on all the others--make it a whole class. I don't think they will go any bigger. Oasis has already had a lot of problems with bridges it could barely go under, ports that it can't go to, etc. RC will have to spend a lot of money to change all their ports if they make them any bigger.

I think they will make 5 of the Oasis class ship. Anything bigger could only do more exotic ports that you tender into--something like Easter Island or South Pacific islands. There just isn't enough demand for the cost of that for them to make more than one. I think the new modifications, instead of bigger is better, will be more efficient and better for the planet.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rate & Fix my Absolute Zero Deck Plz?

here is my deck plz help fix it
Monsters x18
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Dimensional Alchemist
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Destiny Hero- Fear Monger
2x Destiny Hero- Malicious
1x Sangan
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
3x Deep Sea Diva
1x Spined Gillman
Spell x16
2x Allure Of Darkness
2x Destiny Draw
1x Reinforcements Of The Army
1x E-Emergency Call
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
1x Book Of Moon
1x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Future Fusion
3x Miracle Fusion
Traps x6
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Extra deck
3x Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
1x Armory Arm
1x Magical Android
1x Ally Of Justice Catastor
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x Goyo Gaurdian
1x Brionac Dragon Of The Ice Barrier
1x Black Rose Dragon
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal
1x Mist Wurm

Answer :
absolute zero has diff variance too so i won't ask u to follow my build.

-2 chaos
-dd alchemist
-2 ryko
+2 d-hero diamond dude
-1 d-hero fear monger
+1 d-hero doomlord
-1 e-hero neos allius
+1 e-hero ocean

-mind control
-emergency call

Monday, August 9, 2010

Do you think RCCL's Oasis/Allure of the Sea is just too big of a ship? Will a ship that size help/hurt them?

Who would want to sail with over 7,000 people? Well at least when the rooms aren't getting filled like they want them to, they will basically give them away at a cheap price. That's a plus.

Answer :
As of now, I don't see any cheap prices on The Oasis of the Seas. The first year everyone wants to go on the "new" ship until another new one comes along. Personally 5,000 does seem like a lot, but most of the feedback I have seen has been positive. Maybe the people that don't like the crowds just don't go on the big ships. Price is an issue, now with the economy the way it is. Cruising is the best value around. You would think the supply of rooms is overflowing. However, cruise lines do retire or sell off their older ships, we just don't hear about it as much. RE: one of the older Princess ships being moved to P&O (another Carnival company) in Europe. All in all cruising is a great experience, and if you can get a good deal, it is the "icing on the cake."

Answer :
I think we have hit a max size of ship for at least the next 10 yrs due to the economy. However, will RCCL be slashing prices to fill the ship, hardly. Across the 3 largest cruise lines, Royal Caribbean, Carnival and Norwegian, the cruises on average are sold out 6-8 weeks in advance. This shows that there is still very high demand for cruises in general. The only way Royal Caribbean would slash prices is if there are significant problems with Royal Caribbean and that a large percentage of their core market, the people who have cruised with RCCL in the past, are now cruising on a different line.

Answer :
It looks amazing i cant see why you wouldnt go on a crusie on it. It will make them money its the best ship ever built. Too bad it only does america.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Rate my Blackwing deck ! =D?

3x Sirocco the Dawn
3x Shura the blue flame
3x Kalut the moon shadow
3x Blizzard the far north
3xBora the Spear
1X Gale the whirlwind
1x Gorz the Emissary of darkness
1x the dark Creator

3xBlack whirlwinds
2x Allure of Darkness
2xBook of Moon
1x Brain Control
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Lightning Vortex

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Icarus Attack
1x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1x Blackwing- Armored Wing
1x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Power tool Dragoon
1x Gaia Knight , the Force of Earth
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x X- Saber Urbellum
1x Flamvell Uruquizas ( this foo sucks XD)

(still need some more synchros -_-)

Answer :
Definitely one of the better decks here. 8/10

The only thing i would reccomend is
- 1x Dark creator
+1x Vayu, the emblem of honour
-1x Lightning vortex
-1x Trap dustshoot
+1x Solemn judgment

The deck looks pretty solid as it is, however you definitely need to improve your extra deck.
-1x Power tool
-1x Gaia knight
-1 x Sea dragon

if you have the money
+1x Catastor
+1x Brionac
+1x Goyo guardian
+1x Black rose dragon

Friday, July 23, 2010

Absolute Zero Deck : Help?

Monsters (19) :
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Caius The Shadow Monarch
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Tragoedia
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
2 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dudes
2 Destiny Hero - Malicious
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Spined Gillman
3 Deep Sea Diva
1 Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Mystic Tomato
1 Sangan

Spells (13) :
1 Future Fusion
3 Miracle Fusion
3 Destiny Draw
2 Allure of Darkness
1 Reinforcement of The Army
1 Brain Control
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm

Traps (8) :
2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of The Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment

Please give me suggestions on what to take out and put in, Ty fer your help.~x]

Answer :
i would drop the trag, and put i a mind control, that way u can sncro much easier

Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you like my first attempt at translating a Petrarchan Canzone into English?

So weak the thread where pendulous does hang
My life so cumbrous lade,
If none shall give it aid
Most hot into its end it will arrive;
Since heinously when our farewells were bade
And sweets began to pang,
One hope alone upsprang
That soon became the cause I am alive,
Contending, `Though things may deprive
You of that visage glad,
Maintain yourself, O spirit sad;
Who knows but better times returned shall raise
Their well delighted days,
And goods once lost may never yet be had?'
This esperance sustained me for a while
But comes undone, and I delay meanwhile.

The time beats so, and hours hurry round
In furnishing their way,
I have not time to stay
Or think, but run to furnish death's report:
So soon the Orient reveals the ray
Of Sol, from mountains wound,
To diametric ground
You see it clear into its evening port.
And lives are very short;
So heavy is the frame, and frail,
When human lives must fail,
And I am tortured in a different place
From such a lovely face,
That when desire's wings can merely flail,
And little left of my accustomed strength,
I doubt if I shall live to any length.

A country grieves me if I miss in it
Those lovely eyes that please
To take away the keys
Of all my thoughts, so long should God desire;
It fans my banishment by worse degrees
That though I sleep, or go, or sit,
No others intromit,
And all sight's pleasures so expire.
Such crests, so broad a mire,
So much the sea, so many streams
Enshroud the lovely yoke of beams,
Which almost as the clarity of day
Allures my gloom away,
And so I burn to recollect my dreams.
How much my life was once suffused in joys
Instructs me harshly how the time annoys!

Alas, if all this reasoning could bate
That fiery desire
The detrimental day did sire
When from my lovely half I left to pass,
That in oblivion Love should retire--
Who leads me to this bait
That makes my woe inflate?
For I should be a silent, stony mass.
No doubt that crystal, glass,
Have never shown such essence
Of their hidden iridescence
As souls disconsolate reveal who show
More clearly in our pensive glow
The heart's most savage luminescence,
Seen through the eyes and ever vagrant sighs,
Out day and night for one who pacifies.

Strange pleasure, that our minds esurient
In love for something strange
Are often found to range
Where they can breed the thickest race of vapours.
In some, delight and weeping interchange,
As I am now esurient,
My eyes parturient
With tears to bear, for which my heart does labour.
Enticed thus to belabour
On the beauty of her eyes,
For nothing in these sighs
More touches me inside, or makes me yearn,
I often run and turn
In tears somewhere there to disgorge my cries,
And with my heart are punished both these lights
That down the road of Love had set their sights:

The golden tresses that turn round the sun
Made emulous to dance,
And then the cloudless glance
Wherein the rays of Love have thriven
Makes me away, confounding Time's advance;
The agile words that run
With few on earth, or none,
Alas, once courteously given,
Now wrenched away; forgiven
More lightly all offence
Once more that I may sense
That gentle and angelical address
Whose strength my heart would press
To wake it with a wish that flamed intense,
All make me think no thing that I shall hear
More armours me than drawing up a tear.

To weep again and more delight impart:
The fair and yielding palms
That draw the gentle arms,
Unfolding gestures high and calm in scope;
The sweet disdain; the modest, haughty qualms;
The firm and trusting heart,
The towering mind set all apart
Quite hidden by the savage Alpine slope:
I know not if I hope
If I shall see her ere I die,
But sometimes by and by
Hope clambers up, not knowing standing firm,
But drooping would affirm
Its space from her whom Heaven honours high,
In whom dwell Honesty and Courtesy
With whom as well I pray that I may be.

Canzone, sweetly at that place
Should you our lady meet,
I wit that you may weet
She shall porrect her lovely hand,
With me in such a distant land.
Then touch it not, but kneeling at her feet,
Do tell her I shall come, when come I can,
A spirit, else, in flesh and bones, a man.

~Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere 37

Note: The prickly reader of Dante will notice that stanza 6, line 16 is from Inferno xiii.22. The reader of Milton's Italian poems will observe a little and perhaps indirect echo of stanza 3, lines 10-11 in his own little Canzone, in addition to other similarities. This is not the first Canzone in the Canzoniere, but the fourth; I have not translated each of the first three for separate reasons. I am grateful for thoughts as this is my first attempt at an extended Petrarca translation.

Answer :
I am in awe at the challenge of attempting to translate this piece. It must have taken an incredible amount of work. You must be a very patient man and you deserve to be congratulated on your achievement. I am not at all familiar with the work of Francesco Petrarca and there are a few words contained in this translation that I need to look up. So, I'll go do my homework before I read this long piece of work for a second time

Answer :
I do like it.
I thought it very long, but it held me to the words.
I also enjoy the irregularity of the lines,
You do very well at this translating thing, cheers!

Answer :
This really really is a big accomplishment and to translate while yet preserving the allusions, the pun, wordplay and rhyme patterns is simply mission impossible. Giants are indeed walking among us.

Answer :
I regret that I will only be able to render some broad overview rather than an exhaustive analysis because this is truly a lovely piece of poetry. I am of course happy that you have attended to the fluctuating line lengths, because they are emblematic of the thread connecting poet and beloved, stretched as if by the action of a rotating spindle. The head of the second strophe captures the myth of Phoebus's chariot, and 'furnish death's report' is an eloquent translation reflecting back on the 33rd canto of Dante's Purgatorio (and do I also sense St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei XIII here?). L45, "Allures my gloom away," is reminiscent of Isaiah: "Et tenebrae tuae erunt sicut meridies." The first half of the sixth strophe is a famous passage extolling Laura's beauty and you have translated in a very tasteful and lovely way. The 'savage Alpine slope' is at once a reminder of the poet's separation from Laura (absent as he was from Avignon for months), be it literal or figurative for alienation... well chosen! L115 (L3 of the congedo) is lovely because of its striking similarity to Petrarca's 'credo ben che tu credi' and of course echoes the sense of Inferno XIII -- "I think perhaps he thought I may be thinking" -- in its sense of double distance from the truth. The concluding line resurrects the poet's fear, stated so purely in the second half of the seventh strophe, that he might never see Laura again in life, i.e "in flesh and bones, a man," but that he may reach her through his Canzone. Artfully done my friend; success is yours, delight our own. Bravo!

Answer :
Hmm,quite a bit of reading with this one. I have been following a lot of your translations,a lot of them very good, but today I finally felt as though it was time to respond. While this translation was very long to read (or at least it was long for me) it was a great translation. It takes a lot of thought to do this and especially something this long and with so many thoughts. I particularly like the last stanza, just because of the delicate wording of it,it's put so amazingly, yet very simply. Thank you for this bit of writing, I'm glad I was able to answer this one, though I just barely made it before you closed the question

Friday, July 9, 2010

Help on Editing this Passage?

A sickening feeling entangled my heart as I glared at a man leering at me. He had straight blonde hair and glittering dark blue eyes similar to the color of the seas. The man’s face was long and narrow, and twisted into a mischievous smile, like a kid you’d see on a magazine’s front cover. As we stared at each other, I felt my distaste turn into immense desire. A burning sensation ripped through my body as our staring continued. My heart felt like it was on fire; the flames stirred by his good looks and intense gaze.

His long legs began to stroll toward me.

My heart sunk in surprise as if it were drowning in my own body. My jaw dropped to the floor as I admired his confidence and grace. Nervousness rose within me. My jittery heartbeat intensified. The palm of my hands became a pool of sweat. I swallowed hard and drew in a deep breath. I watched him tuck his hands in his black jacket. His heavy, sprightly cologne wafted through the air and grasped my attention. My eyes widened.

“Why, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He growled in a seductive, playful tone once he reached me at the end of the dimmed bar. His innocent blue eyes shut a bit as he peered into mine, obvious passion arising in them.

“No, I’m not that beautiful, really.” I said, staring at the ground, warmth filling my pink cheeks. A wave of intimidation swept over me, cluttering my mind with irritating thoughts. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around my waist and enclosed all space between us. His stare was to my chest, revealed by my loose red blouse. He rested his hands on the sides of my hips, his gentle touch sending shivers up my spine. I was very slow to react what he was doing. But I didn’t want to move. I was allured, attracted.

A light yelp escaped my lips as I wiggled out of his arms. He frowned, saddened by the distance between us. Suddenly, my high-heel got caught on a crack in the wooden floor, and I lost my balance. My spidery long leg snapped awkwardly at the ground, as if my legs couldn’t carry me. As I was about to fall, he caught me in his muscular arms.

My whole body became rigid with instinctive rebellion.
“Don’t touch me!” I barked, hardening my jaw and tightening my fuming eyes. His blue eyes got big, but they eased in tension. He captured my focus, my eyes, and I was hooked. He began to linger toward me again, as if he was a snake, about to strike me.

“…Don’t…” I tried to speak. “Don’t touch me…” My words were a faint whisper, not assertive or demanding at all. The boy’s features became flawlessly smooth. A smirk crossed his lips. He tilted his head in what I would assume to be because of curiosity.

“Relax.” He breathed slowly, placing his arms around my waist again, sinking them into my skin. I gazed at him, amazed, the anger beginning to leave my stormy eyes. My skin became thick with warmness.

His next action was unpredictable.
He grabbed my head of hair and brushed it away from my eyes. His free hand slid along my spine. He suddenly pulled me close again. I jolted into his body. He suddenly grabbed the apples of my cheeks and pulled my face toward his. He crushed his starving, ferocious lips against mine.
A whirlwind of excitement rushed through my body.

At first, because of this, I couldn’t breathe. He moved his lips over mine, sucking with desire. His lips were plump and soft, similar to my own. The taste of his lips made me quite frisky, a feeling I was not familiar with.

It was a horrific battle, me against temptation, to stop kissing this irresistible boy. But I pulled away before desire won. I pushed his chest, carved in muscle, away from me. He didn’t budge, instead he leaned his face toward mine, wanting back my lips.

“Come on, please.” He moaned desperately, his eyes becoming two blue pools of sadness. I began to relax in his arms and thought less of my abusive boyfriend, Robert Glass, who would kill me if he saw me with this beautiful stranger.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Hazel Adele.” I said, while taking quick looks around the room, checking to make sure no one I knew was here.
“I’m Lance. Are you from Magnolia?”His voice was seductive and smooth.
“Yes.” I nodded. Magnolia was my small hometown outside of Seattle.
“I see, baby.” He crooned, resting his head beside mine.
“Who said I was your baby?” I barked, mischievousness twinkling in my dark brown eyes. He hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider the question. “Your eyes-“he said finally, pulling away from me and lifting my chin with his finger.
“They reveal your emotions. You want me.”

Thankyou. Ignore the weird formatting!

Answer :
A sickening feeling entangled my heart as I glared at a man leering at me. He had straight blonde hair and glittering dark blue eyes similar to the color of the sea. The man’s face was long and narrow, twisted into a mischievous smile, like a kid you’d see on a magazine’s front cover. As we stared at each other, I felt my distaste turn into immense desire. A burning sensation ripped through my body as our staring continued. My heart felt like it was on fire; the flames stirred by his good looks and intense gaze.

His long legs began to stroll toward me.

My heart sunk in surprise as if it were drowning in my own blood. My jaw gaped open as I admired his confidence and grace. Nervousness rose within me as my jittery heartbeat intensified. A pool of sweat formed in the palms of my shaking hands. I swallowed hard and drew in a deep breath. I watched him tuck his hands in his black jacket. His heavy, sprightly cologne wafted through the air and grasped my attention. My eyes widened.

“Why, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He growled in a seductive, playful tone. He then reached me at the end of the dimmed bar. His innocent blue eyes shut a bit as he peered into mine, obvious passion arising in them.

“No, I’m not that beautiful, really.” I said, staring at the ground, warmth filling my pink cheeks. A wave of intimidation swept over me, cluttering my mind with irritating thoughts. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around my waist and enclosed all space between us. His stare was to my chest, revealed by my loose red blouse. He rested his hands on the sides of my hips, his gentle touch sending shivers up my spine. I was very slow to react what he was doing. But I didn’t want to move. I was allured, attracted, attached.

A light yelp escaped my lips as I wiggled out of his arms. He frowned, saddened by the distance between us. Suddenly, my high-heel got caught on a crack in the wooden floor, and I lost my balance. My spidery long leg snapped awkwardly at the ground, as if my legs couldn’t carry me. Struggling with my balance, I was about to fall. I watched as his long, muscular arms reached out to stop my fall. I gasped.

My whole body became rigid with instinctive rebellion.
“Don’t touch me!” I barked, hardening my jaw and tightening my fuming eyes. His blue eyes got big, but they eased in tension. He captured my focus, my eyes, and I was hooked. He began to linger toward me again, as if he was a snake, about to strike me.

“…Don’t…” I tried to speak. “Don’t touch me…” My words were a faint whisper, not assertive or demanding at all. The boy’s features became flawlessly smooth. A smirk crossed his lips. He tilted his head in what I would assume to be because of curiosity.

“Relax.” He breathed slowly, placing his arms around my waist again, sinking them into my skin. I gazed at him, amazed, the anger beginning to leave my stormy eyes. My skin became thick with warmness. I felt growing warmth in my cheeks.

His next action was unpredictable.
He grabbed my head of hair and brushed it away from my eyes. His free hand slid along my spine. He suddenly pulled me close again. I jolted into his body. He suddenly grabbed the apples of my cheeks and pulled my face toward his. He crushed his starving, ferocious lips against mine.
A whirlwind of excitement rushed through my body.

At first, because of this, I couldn’t breathe. He moved his lips over mine, sucking with desire. His lips were plump and soft, similar to my own. The taste of his lips made me quite frisky, a feeling I was not familiar with.

It was a horrific battle, me against temptation, to stop kissing this irresistible boy. But I pulled away before desire won. I pushed his chest, carved in muscle, away from me. He didn’t budge, instead he leaned his face toward mine, wanting back my lips.

“Come on, please.” He moaned desperately, his eyes becoming two blue pools of sadness. I began to relax in his arms and thought less of my abusive boyfriend, Robert, who would kill me if he saw me with this beautiful stranger. I realized the intensity of this situation.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Hazel Adele.” I said, while taking quick looks around the room, checking to make sure no one I knew was here.
“I’m Lance. Are you from Magnolia?”His voice was seductive and smooth.
“Yes.” I nodded. Magnolia was my small hometown outside of Seattle.
“I see, baby.” He crooned, resting his head beside mine.
“Who said I was your baby?” I barked, mischievousness twinkling in my dark brown eyes. He hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider the question. “Your eyes-“he said finally, pulling away from me and lifting my chin with his finger.
“They reveal your emotions. You want me.”

Here you go! All of my corrections (there were few) are in there.

Answer :
sorry but i don't feel like reading that much.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feedback on my passage ?

A sickening feeling entangled my heart as I glared at a man leering at me. He had straight blonde hair and glittering bright blue eyes similar to the color of the sea. The man’s face was long and narrow, and twisted into a mischievous smile, like a kid you’d see on a magazine’s front cover. As we stared at each other, I felt my distaste turn into immense desire. A burning sensation ripped through my body as our staring continued. My heart felt like it was on fire; the flames stirred by his good looks and intense gaze.

His long legs began to stroll toward my still figure.
My heart sunk in surprise as if it were drowning in my own body. My jaw dropped to the floor as I admired his confidence and grace. Nervousness rose within me. My jittery heartbeat intensified. The palm of my shaking hands became a pool of sweat. I swallowed hard and drew in a deep breath. I watched this unfamiliar man tuck his hands in his slick black jacket. A husky cologne wafted through the air and grasped my attention. My eyes widened.

“Why, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He growled in a seductive, playful tone once he reached me toward the end of the dimmed bar area. His innocent blue eyes shut a bit as he peered into mine, obvious passion arising within them.

“No, I’m not that beautiful, really.” I said, staring at the ground, warmth filling my pink cheeks. A wave of intimidation swept over me, cluttering my mind with irritating thoughts. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around my waist and enclosed all space between us. His stare was to my chest, revealed by my loose red blouse. He rested his hands on the sides of my hips, his gentle touch sending shivers up my spine. I was very slow to react what he was doing. But I didn’t want to move. I was allured, attracted.

A light yelp escaped my lips as I wiggled out of his arms. He frowned, saddened by the distance between us. Suddenly, my high-heel got caught on a crack in the wooden floor, and I lost my balance. My spidery long leg snapped awkwardly at the ground, as if my legs couldn’t carry me. As I was about to fall, he caught me in his muscular arms.

My whole body became rigid with instinctive rebellion.
“Don’t touch me!” I barked, hardening my jaw and tightening my fuming eyes. His blue eyes got big, but they eased in tension. He captured my focus, my eyes, and I was hooked. He began to linger toward me again, as if he was a snake, about to strike me.

“…Don’t…” I tried to speak. “Don’t touch me…” My words were a faint whisper, not assertive or demanding at all. The boy’s features became flawlessly smooth. A smirk crossed his lips. He tilted his head in what I would assume to be because of curiosity.

“Relax.” He breathed slowly, placing his arms around my waist again, sinking them into my skin. I gazed at him, amazed, the anger beginning to leave my stormy eyes. My skin became thick with warmness.

His next action was unpredictable.
He grabbed my head of hair and brushed it away from my eyes. His free hand slid along my spine. He suddenly pulled me close again. I jolted into his body. He suddenly grabbed the apples of my cheeks and pulled my face toward his. He crushed his starving, ferocious lips against mine.
A whirlwind of excitement rushed through my body.

At first, because of this, I couldn’t breathe. He moved his lips over mine, sucking with desire. His lips were plump and soft, similar to my own. The taste of his lips made me quite frisky, a feeling I was not familiar with.

It was a horrific battle, me against temptation, to stop kissing this irresistible boy. But I pulled away before desire won. I pushed his chest, carved in muscle, away from me. He didn’t budge, instead he leaned his face toward mine, wanting back my lips.

“Come on, please.” He moaned desperately, his eyes becoming two blue pools of sadness. I began to relax in his arms and thought less of my abusive boyfriend, Robert Glass, who would kill me if he saw me with this beautiful stranger.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Hazel Adele.” I said, while taking quick looks around the room, checking to make sure no one I knew was here.
“I’m Lance. Are you from Magnolia?”His voice was seductive and smooth.
“Yes.” I nodded. Magnolia was my small hometown outside of Seattle.
“I see, baby.” He crooned, resting his head beside mine.
“Who said I was your baby?” I barked, mischievousness twinkling in my dark brown eyes. He hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider the question. “Your eyes-“he said finally, pulling away from me and lifting my chin with his finger.
“They reveal your emotions. You want me.”

Answer :
is she being raped? not bad anyways, nice choice of words.

answer mine please?;…

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Low level synch deck?

main deck:41

monsters: 21
tuners: 8

2 deep sea diva
2 junk synchron
2 krebons
1 psychic commander
1 plaguespreader zombie


3 mecha bunny
3 apocatequil
2 marauding captian
2 quillbolt hedgehog
1 sangan
1 cyber dragon (2 after march 1st ofc)
1 cyber valley

spells: 12

2 enemy conroller
1 hand destruction
1 lightning vortex
1 brain control
2 allure of darkness (1 after march 1st)
1 mystical space typhoon
1 emegancy teleporter
1 pot of avarice
1 creature swap
1 heavy storm

traps: 6

1 call of the haunted
1 dimensional prison
1 defence draw
1 wicked rebirth
1 torrential tribute
1 mirror force

its just friendly deck not so competertive and atm im makeing the changes for march 1st any suggstions for the deck and plz rate he deck

Answer :
I'd say drop Diva. I don't think you have the revival ability to make it work here. I'd go for another Junk Synchron, or maybe Gale.

Drop Apocatequil. It doesn't really help. Add another Quillbolt, and add some Tuningware or Darksea Rescue to help speed your deck up.

You could also try Reinforcement of the Army, to help find Marauding Captain or Junk Sunchron.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What do you think of my story?

This is the beginning of a story I have to write for school. It is supposed to be historical and about the sea. I am 12. What do you think? Please be very honest when commenting - I'm not afraid of criticism! How can I improve it? Would you enjoy reading this or is it boring? Thank you very much!

How many victims have you slaughtered like this? Your ghostly fingers pushed me away so ruthlessly, a hunger in your eyes as though this is what you live for. As though this is the remedy for all the patched-up hurt inside you. As though you want more, and more and more. You just want more and more unwitting people to mindlessly massacre, to sacrifice to the sea.
You prised me away from the jagged rock I was clinging to. Now I am almost wholly submerged in the black water, which glints ominously like light on the blade of a knife. I can no longer see you. I can no longer see anything. I am shrouded in a veil of darkness, which I cannot escape from. Desperately I tell my legs to move but they won’t listen. I have done the panicking and the kicking and the frantic calls for help and they have taken their toll. I have not much time left.
My muscles are being relentlessly gnawed at by icily cold teeth, while water seeps through my clothes and trickles down into my boots, making them feel like lead blocks weighing me down. The wind swipes my face, as it whispers its undecipherable language, trailing invisible fingers through the water and stirring up white horses. A wave is slowly rising above me, ready to leap on top of me, and smother me in a deadly blanket. That’s what will kill me.
I’m going to die. But somehow I don’t mind. My life was meaningless the moment you pushed me away. You and your alluring chestnut eyes. Goodbye beautiful moon. Goodbye almighty sea. I brace myself for the towering wave. All I can say now is, please God, make it quick.

* * * * * *

I had never thought much of the sea. But by the end of my story I believe I came to love it. It was a treacherous journey and in the end was my undoing. However it was also an amazing story – a dark, horrendous story and for this I am willing to share it with you.
For fifteen years, or thereabouts, I lived in Kent, running a small surgery and I was very happy. Many wondered why I had not married yet and I had no answer for the few that asked. So I was on my way to becoming an old man, at nearly forty, but I felt as though I was still waiting for my life to begin. That feeling had been haunting me for some time, but then the letter arrived in the post. Who would have thought that that small, insignificant scrap of paper could change my life forever? I certainly suspected nothing as I broke open the red seal and took out the letter.
I saw my name printed first: To Hugh Norris. It was from the Royal Navy, the last thing I would have expected; I thought that maybe they had sent it to the wrong person. Then I read further... They required me on the HMS Triumphant, one of Nelson’s ships, soon to go into battle with the French, to be the ship surgeon. I was speechless. It offered no reasons, no explanations, nothing but orders. As I put the letter down, my mind suddenly overflowed with questions, the initial shock behind me. Why me? I have no experience of the sea, live ages away from Portsmouth (where the ships are docked) and am a mere surgery owner. To this day I am none the wiser. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with a great sense of sadness. It surged through me as I realized just how much I would miss this humble life of mine. How much I would miss this surgery. It was small but cosy and I loved it. A lone tear meandered down my cheek but I promptly brushed it away. ‘Pull yourself together, Hugh’ I told myself.
In a week’s time, I was locking the mahogany door for the last time. Mahogany’s my favourite wood: I love its dark reddish-brown colour. I hauled my heavy suitcase onto the carriage and set off, the rhythmic beating of the horses’ hooves on the road soon lulling me to sleep.

Additional Details

By the way, there were paragraphs in the original but they have been deleted for some reason! Thanks!

1 month ago

I am going to put up a bit from the middle of the story. What do you think?!

1 month ago

That was the first time I actually saw her. The first time I had physical proof that she was real. It was late evening. The sky was painted with a rich array of hues; an overworked artist’s palette, colours and tones blending and mixing. At first I could only see what appeared to be a shadowy figure perched demurely upon a rock, a black silhouette against the vibrant sky. But as the ship sailed closer, the image began to focus, tinted light seeping through the clouds defining a slender body and... What was that – a tail?
I ran then – right to the front of the ship. I needed a closer look, just to check. And as I reached the very edge of the wooden deck, you turned towards me. Was that the first time she saw me? Or maybe she had already selected me, out of so many, as another of her countless victims.
I saw her skin – as pale and delicate as moonlight or the creamy petal of a lily and then her hair. Oh, her hair! As though she was shrouded in a silken drape, it looked like a fountain

1 month ago

fountain of liquid gold flowing down her back. Her tapered, shimmering tail was draped elegantly over the rock, and caught the light in such a way that it seemed thousands of tiny emeralds were clasped in the surface. There was no other conclusion: you were undeniably a mermaid.
I felt a sudden surge to show my mermaid to someone else, to share my discovery. I called for the others, but of course no one came; most drunk below deck I expect! Turning back to her, my mermaid, and she was gazing directly at me... Gazing at me with her beautiful, rich, velvety, mahogany eyes, like swirls of molten chocolate, encased in pearly white. They were utterly captivating and how long I was simply standing there I am not sure.
All I know is that I was all of a sudden aware of the sky darkening, and I scolded myself for getting so overwhelmed. The great craggy moon was descending, draping her veil of darkness over the world and the stars were smudging out the sunset. I could no longer see the

1 month ago

mermaid, only miles and miles of sea, flashing threateningly in the moonlight. Suddenly I felt scared out here all alone. I walked down below deck to join the others. It suddenly dawned on me that my mermaid was dangerous – more deadly than any weapon. Who hasn’t heard the legends telling of poor sailors lured to their death by mermaids? I told myself I mustn’t seek her out again, but deep down I knew that I would. How could I resist?

Answer :
it was good um im going to tell what i would change

As though this is the remedy for all the patched-up hurt inside you.
i dont think you actually need the last you.

As though you want more, and more and more. You just want more and more unwitting people ...
the you want more and more and more is a little redundant. try rewording it the second time around.

Also if you want to write it in present sence do that through the whole story.

Other than that you have talent, i am very much impressed!!

Answer :
it's absolutely superb (=
description of the sea is very vivid and not over done (=
future author? very nice work

Answer :
One word for you - WOW! That was amazing, you should be really proud of yourself. You have a lot of potential (and at such a young age too!) The descriptions were fantastic - I could seriously visualize everything like a movie. Vivid is an understatement lol I would LOVE to read the rest of this story, I am sucked in! Not boring to me at all. Again WOW.
Great Job!

Answer :
Next chapter Please!

Excellent work. You have done a great job, love the use of words you have chosen, for example colour instead of color since he lives in England.

I would love to read the rest of the story.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How much do you tip Cruise staff?

Friends and I plan on going on Royal Caribbeans Allure of the Seas for our senior trip in 2011, how much should we tip the various staff members?

Answer :
It depends what they are doing, your roomservice is approx $2 per day per person, waiter is $4 per day, assistant waiter $2 etc. (per day) You hand them their tip envelopes the last day of the cruise or pre pay tips so you don't have to think about it before you board your cruise.

Answer :
All these answers are good, I decline the tipping charge at the end of my cruise, I let the front desk know.....and yes they might spread rumors, who knows, it has never changed staff attitude w/me. but I always tip my room stuart cash, your not suppose to, but they all take it, also my waiter/bartender and I always throw a few to the busboy. I do this everyday, and they remember me. I get great service. If you help or serve me, your getting a tip in cash. Sometimes the word spreads that Im handing out cash, but I always try to stick to the same crew members, and it works.
Thats just me.

Answer :
Carnival adds $10 per person/per day to your bill. If you choose to pay your waiters, etc. in person, I believe you can ask Carnival to take it off your bill and handle it yourself. But they spread it around to your room stewards, waiters, etc. and I suspect something in a pot for everyone else.

You may want to use that pricing as a guide, and what else has been mentioned here.

In addition, early in my cruise, I will give my room steward $10 - $20 and split up a similar amount for my waiters in the dining room. Then if they have been good to me, offer something additional toward the end. That way if I need something extra in my room or want to order an additional entre I find they are receptive to listening to my requests and friendly.

Tipping is an adult trait. They often are "stiffed" by students, so if you offer a little something extra to let them know you respect them and their work, it will go a long way... and you never know when they can do that something extra that makes your experience special. They work hard and depend on tips to make a living.

Have a good time, be respectful of the other fare-paying passengers, and enjoy the cruise. It is a great way to travel!

Answer :
The cruise lines have a gratuity built into the cruise (normally $10 a daypp) it will be charged to your shipboard account. This will cover your wait staff and your room steward. If you order alcoholic drinks a tip will be included in the charge. It is the most practically way to handle tipping--You do not need to carry a credit card or money on the ship.
Christine Beichler, Owner
The Cruise Ladies
866-535-2155 x102

Answer :
The tips are usually added automatically to your on-board account. And it's usually about $10-12 per passenger per day, a very small sum for the service you get.

You should look into the minimum age rules for Royal Caribbean, unless you're graduating from college. I think the minimum age for traveling without supervision is 21.

Answer :
I see that you say you are going for your senior trip in 2011...Is this high school senior or college senior? You may want to check on the age requirements of the cruise lines because most require all cabin occupants to be at least 21 or if they are not, someone 25 or older in the cabin with them. Make sure you have all of this worked out with your agent. Always ask if you have any more questions.
Get Outta Town Now

Answer :
When you get your tickets you will also get a bunch of info about the trip. It will tell you how much to tip. Plan on $200 at the end of the week. Always stay with friends. Never go off alone with someone you just met on a ship. People can easily disappear. Laws are difficult to enforce in international waters. Cell phones won't work. You may want walkie talkies. Bring a mask and snorkle if you will be in the tropics. The water is beautiful and crystal clear! Have fun!

Answer :
This is directly from Royal Caribbean's site:

"So that you can thank those who have made your cruise vacation better than you could have imagined, we've developed these gratuity guidelines:
Suite attendant: $5.75 USD a day per guest
Stateroom attendant: $3.50 USD a day per guest
Dining Room Waiter: $3.50 USD a day per guest
Assistant Waiter: $2.00 USD a day per guest
Headwaiter: $.75 USD a day per guest
Note: These gratuities apply to guests of all ages.
Gratuities for other service personnel are at your discretion. A 15% gratuity will automatically be added to your bar bill or wine check when you are served.

Notice to Guests: Gratuities may be shared with other crew members depending on the particular service requirement.

Envelopes for gratuities will be provided in your stateroom on the last night of the cruise. Gratuities may be paid in the following ways:
Pre paid by having them added to your reservation by your booking agent.
Added to your onboard SeaPass account.
Paid in cash at the end of the cruise "

Personally, I make up my tip envelopes at home (including money)with a notecard. This way I won't accidently spend that money in the casino...muahahaha. I put in the recommended amount, but I always make sure I have a little extra in case I get excellent service. Also, it allows me to personally thank those people.

The cabin attendants, waiters, etc. are away from their families for up to 9 months at a time, working LONG hours for much less wage than most of us would accept, to make your vacation a good one, and I find it makes my experience better when I let those people who do it well know I appreciate it. You wouldn't beleive the awful things they have to put up with from some people, and though they are in a service capacity, they are people too. I make it point to report excellent service to their manager as well. So many times the only things they hear are complaints.

When I get mediocre service, I give the minimum. When i get excellent service, I add a little more and the note thanking them, as well as drop off a note recognizing their service to the purser's desk asking it to be given to their highest manager. Things like our cabin attendant, who had been lovely and excellent all week, when I asked her where I could find an emergency flower before we left Corfu to commemorate the death odf a cousin who had drowned there ten years ago, I expected to be told to go to the gift shop or something. Instead, she showed up 15 minutes later with a rose for each of us and a bottle of champagne to toast their life...on the house! And no, we were not in a suite. She then told us about a custom to honor the dead from her own country and gave us each a hug! Now, if that isn't above and beyond, I don't know what is!!

Please consider recognizing those people who give you excellent service in a special way as well as monetarily because when you break down their salaries by the hours they work, it would truly astound you as to how hard they work for how little they get.

Answer :
Royal adds about $10 a day/per person to your account which covers just about everyone. No need to tip anything extra unless you make a special request (such as room service).
Tip with your head..Not over it!

Hope I helped!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Is my poem okay?

Hello, i am actually a gr.7 12 year old boy. I just wondering, is my poem okay? My class had to write a poem explaining how another poet was right. The another poet wrote a poem called "Forecast." and it is about how our generaration is lazy and we don't get out to see the natures beauty. So what i had to write, was a poem on how he is right on how the outside is a great place to be, but i also included on how our genaration is not that lazy. So please read it and give me some feed back. ty BY THE WAY I DID NOT CHECK GRAMMAR IN THIS POEM

Here is my poem:

Nature has a unique beauty
That changes from time to time
You can’t just vision it
You must feel it from your heart
To understand the true meaning and form of art

This world has many seasons
That twist and turn like gears
They improve the outside beauty
Because that’s its duty
By bringing the cold, the hot, and the excitement

Today is the day
I spring out of my dark humid cave
To venture the fascinating seasons that face me
In front of me lays a strong wooden boarded fence
Once I pass it, my wonder world will begin
But before I go I must tell you
Our generation is not lazy
We do go outside, experiencing the beauty of nature
It’s just some of us that have different atmospheres
Sure, we have things that grab onto us and make us stay inside
But some of us, not all of us
Experience what’s beyond that wooden boarded fence

Now I go and grasp a handle that turns open the fence
I see and wonder what the forecast will be
Just about as the barricaded wall opens up
I clench my eyes from fear
Then suddenly a patch of warm wind
Sweeps up from the north and tickles me with sensation

This is Summer I now see
The sizzling alluring sun warms my hand like a barbeque
I hear nature buzz as little yellow creatures soar beneath my eyes
This hot dry region is the best season to make me wonder
Why stay in a lonely dark cave
When we can race across cold waters that shoot from the ground
See alien bug creatures that lure our backyard
Tan our skins with a fluorescent metal cover
Or swing to the top of the playground and over the hill
This season is got to be the most fun of the “funnest”
What more could I do, catch a ball, lay on the beach, swim in the liberty seas
I do so many things, I play sports just
We are not lazy; we go outside on a hot humid day
And copy the famous summer Olympic athletes.
But what about winter

As I take a step down my porch, a few months have past.
I don’t notice small little glaciers falling from the heavens
I see bold, rich, fluorescent, and antique colors that fill the backyard
I see tons of symbols from the Canada flag slowly fall and glide onto a pile
Branches slowly start to shake and plants decaying
Shadows start to grow and life starts to sway
Animals now sleeping
Not a sound or a peep
Everyone knows fall has begun.
Even though it’s quiet we need to still get out
We can fall in the leaves, still swing in the playground.
We can still swim in the liberty seas
Not all things have to happen in the summer

Next seasons follow through winter
Cold winds swipe down my back to send me a chilling ache
Don’t be fear of the cold, fun can still happen
Even athletes are enjoying the winter wonder land
Go ahead make me a bald headed figure that is bodied with 3 round balls.
Rub against the soft marshmallow snow creating what appears to be an angel
Stir the chocolate to make a warm delicious coco-delight.
Bobsleigh down icy driveways and crash into piles of white soft blankets
But the best experience is getting your bright red tongue stuck onto a pole or icicle
Once again, this generation is not always lazy
Some of us copy what we see on CTV Olympics

Nature isn’t over yet, there is still yet one more season
This one is the time of year blossoms bloom,
This is the year dark purple and bright red explode into the atmosphere
You see farmers picking them off the greenish trees.
Every season there is a unique thing to do
That let’s us get active to take a break from screen time.
Why think our generation is lazy
Our generation is just growing with technology
We are not just hiding in our dark caves
Take back from what you said
Cause here I go, outside to play

Answer :
It's long! That's for sure. It didn't lure me on past the first few lines, so I skipped to the last verse, and it didn't get any better, so I stopped reading again. Sorry! But you are only 12, and the fact that you are writing poetry is great. You should get better and better. Keep on keeping on.

Answer :
Your really great at writing. Remember that theres people in this world that wont like your poem. For me it was amazing! I loved how you put it together.

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