BR Cruises

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rate my Blackwing deck por favor?

i've played yugioh for a long time and am just now getting into tournament style of dueling. ive decided to start working on a blackwing theme recently. comments and suggestions in any format would be greatly appreciated.

Blackwing Build

3x blackwing-shura the flame
3x blackwing-kalut the moon shadow
3x blackwing-bora the spear
3x blackwing- fane the steel chain
3x blackwing-mistral the silver shield
2x blackwing-sirocco the dawn
2x blackwing-blizzard the far north
1x gorz the emissary of darkness

2x black whirlwind
1x heavy storm
1x mystical space typhoon
1x natural tune
1x against the wind
1x book of moon
1x upstart goblin
1x hammer shot
1x allure of darkness

1x sakuretsu armor
1x call of the haunted
2x jar of greed
1x xing zhen hu
1x delta crow-anti reverse
1x trap stun
2x threatening roar
1x level retuner
1x half or nothing

side deck(not enough synchros yet)
1x Blackwing Armed Wing
1x X-Saber Urbellum
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x Ancient fairy dragon

it needs alot of help i know.

Answer :
you need this cards
gale the whirlwind
raptor wing strike
icarus attack
delta crow anti reverse
dark erruption
dark creator

The Blackwing's effects are focused around Swarming and changing the ATK or the DEF of monsters on the field. Because of that, they have an aggressive playing style

Answer :
yahh u need help
- 3 fane steel chain
- 1 misrtal silver sheild
+ gale the hurricane
+ 3 vayu the emblem of honor
+ blizzard the far north

-natural tiune
-against the wind
-upstart goblin
-hammer shot

+2 swellows nest
+ brain control
+ mind control
+ allure of darkness
+ blackwhirlwind

-sakurestu armor
- 2 jar of greed
- xing zhen hu
- trapstun
- level returneer
- half or nothing

+ 3 icarus attack
+ solemn judge ment
+ 2 bottemless trap hole
+ threatning roar

there yah go!

Answer :
I am currently working on a blackwing my self. Now if you want this deck to run like it's supposed to then here is some things you can do
and btw, this is advanced format = the best format rofl.

- 1 natrual tune
- 1 upstart goblin
- 1 hammer shot
- 1 sakuretsu armor (This card is pointless in this deck, your defensive traps come from the threatening roars)

- 2 jar of greeds (your draw power comes from the allure of darknesses, jar of greeds are not needed = dead draw)

- 1 xing zhen hu
- 1 trap stun (never run 1 of these. 2 or none is the way to go)
- 1 level returner
- 1 half or nothing
- 1 gorz the emissary of darkness
- 3 blackwing fane the stell chains
- 1 blackwing shura the blue flame

and add these

+ 1 mirror force ( a GREAT card to clear your opponents field of monsters for you to swarm during your turn and hit for game )
+ 1 torrential tribute
+ 1 solem judgment
+ 1 allure of darkness (maximum of two in the deck)
+ 1 book of moon ( 2 in the deck )
+ 1 giant trunade ( this may seem pointless but let me share a quote with you "giant trunade wins games!" and its true, use it and see what i mean )
+ 2 Dark eruptions
+ 1 brain control ( great card in just about any deck )
+ 1 Lightning vortex ( good for clearing their monster field )
+ 1 Raptor wing strike ( To be honest, there are a couple way better cards to use in place of this one, but it still works with black wings )
+ 3 blackwing gale the whirlwinds ( a must have for this deck )
+ 1 blackwing blizzard the far north ( 3 in the deck )
+ 1 morphing jar ( not many people see the use in this card for this deck, but it helps. And can re stock your hand with kaluts and gales )

and as for synchros:

try to get ahold of
+ 1 thought ruler archfiend
+ 1 colossal fighter
+ 2 stardust dragons
+ 1 goyo guardian
+ 1 blackwing armed wing
+ 1 black rose dragon
+ 1 blackwing armor master

This deck should run a WHOLE LOT BETTER if you made those changes. I'm glad i could help, and if you need anything els just hit me up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zombie deck plz rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


3x Necro Gardna
3x Zombie Master
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Armageddon Knight
2x Goblin Zombie
2x Mezuki
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Kasha
1x Il Blud
1x Gorz The Emissary of Darkness

Spells (14)

3x Burial from a Different Dimension
2x Book of Moon
2x Allure of Darkness
2x Foolish Burial
1x Reinforcement of The Army
1x MST
1x Giant Trunade
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm

Traps (8)

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck (5)

1x Goyo Guardian
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon

Side Deck (13)

3x Zombie World
3x Imperial Iron Wall
3x Breaker
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Monster Reincarnation
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Sangan
1x Gale

its for competitive reasons would this be okay? rate 1-10 and what to change thanks

Answer :
DUDE THATS NOT A ZOMBIE DECK IF IT IS THEN i keep seeing the same mistakes for the zombie decks: people FORGET about pyramid turtle!! pyramid turtle is the heart of the deck, a zombie deck is for summoning armies of monsters in singles turns so heres what i sugest
Necro Gardnax3/pyramid turtlex3
Armageddon Knightx2/ryu kokkix2
nothing/ill bludx1
Gorz The Emissary of Darkness/paldin of the cursed dragonx2
Burial from a Different Dimensionx3/book of lifex3
book of moonx2/nothing
Allure of Darknessx2/pot of avaricex1
Reinforcement of The Armyx1/lighting vortexx1
giant trunade/nothing

Answer :
5.0 you need to get the doom kaiser dragon + the other zombie ruler thingy lol also take out the light sworns add in 2 more plauge zombie

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rate My Dark-based Blackwing Deck (YGO)?

Total 40

Monsters: 20
Gale x1
Shura x3
Blizzard of Far North x2
Kalut x3
Sirocco x2
Bora x3
Mistral the Silver Shield x2
Dark Arm x1
Dark Creator x1
Jinzo x1 (I know that nobody uses it but I like to use it)

Spells: 10
Allure x2
Black Whirlwind x3
Heavy Storm x1
Giant Trunade x1
Dark Eruption x1
Brain Control x1
Book of Moon x1

Traps: 10
Threatening Roar x1
Sakuretsu Armor x1
Reckless Greed x3 ( good for draw power )
Call of the Haunted x1
Mirror Force x1
Icarus Attack x2

Synchros: 15
3 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Goyo
1 Stardust
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Thought Archfiend Ruler
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Sea Dragon Lord
2 Blackwing Armed Wing
2 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Tempest Magician

Side Deck: 15
3 Light Imprisoning Mirror (used against Lightsworn Decks)
3 Imperial Iron Wall (used against decks that remove from play cards a lot)
1 Return From D.D. (used if Macro Cosmos is on the field)
3 Breaker the Magical Warrior (for Spell and Trap Removal and its not limited to 1 or 2)
Mirrors of Oath x3 (good against Synchro Cats and Glads)

Additional Details

Dark Armed Dragon is limited to 1 and I already have 1!!!!

7 months ago

I can't find any Detla Crows, Vayus or Elphins.!!!

7 months ago

None of your suggestions are cool!!!! opressions are not helpful at all!!! Blackwings swarm a lot!! So Oppresions will cut the swarming!!! Also, D.D. Crows are not needed! This side deck is not an ANTI META GAME BASED SIDE!!!!!

Answer :
ok 1st thing all blackwing decks are dark based so now the changes you need to make is

-2 Mistral
-1 Jinzo
-1 The Dark Creator

+1 Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
+2 Gravekeeper's Spy
+1 Gravekeepers's Guard
-1 Giant Trunade

+1 MST dont side it
+1 Book of moon instead of the Sakuretsu Armor

-3 reckless greed i know it was used so much last format but there are better things
-1 Sakuretsu Armor

+1 Threatening Roar
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Icarus attack (instead of Delta Crow)

Extra Deck:
-2 Iron Chain Dragon
-1 Sea Dragon Lord

+1 Stardust Dragon
+1 Blackwing Armor Master
+1 Gaia Knight The Force of Earth

Side Deck:
2 Light Imprisoning Mirrors (Lightsworns,Little City)
2 Mirror of Oaths (Kitty Synchro,Rescue Glads)
2 Royal Opression (Lightsworns,Glads,Tele DaD)
1 Delta Crow Anti Reverse (Anti Meta decks who usually rely on backrows)
2 Breaker (Anti Meta Decks and Skill DaD)
1 Dimensional Fissure (Tele DaD,Lightsworns,Zombies)
2 D.D. Crow (Tele DaD Lightsworns,Zombies)
2 Rivalry of Warlords (Lightsworns,Tele DaD,Glads)
1 Gozen Match (Glads,Monarchs)

Anti Meta decks dont **** up Blackwings there is not one anti meta deck that can **** it up only when they go to the side deck
this side deck has saved my *** so many times

Hope i Helped

with Gale at 1 id love to see you swarm with Blackwings 3 tuners isnt enough to swarm with synhcros and blackwings
were wasting our time to help you!!

Answer :
- 1 dark creater
- 2 mistrial
+ 2 dark horus
+ 1 Dark armed dragon


- 1 threatening roar
- 2 reckless greed
+ 2 sakuretsu armor
+ 1 magic cylinder


player since they first came out
local hobby league player
9 1st place /w bw
2 2nd place /w bw

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rate My Blackwing Deck (YGO)?

Total 40

Monsters: 20
Gale x1
Shura x3
Blizzard of Far North x2
Kalut x3
Sirocco x2
Bora x3
Mistral the Silver Shield x2
Dark Arm x1
Dark Creator x1
Jinzo x1 (I know that nobody uses it but I like to use it)

Spells: 10
Allure x2
Black Whirlwind x3
Heavy Storm x1
Giant Trunade x1
Dark Eruption x1
Brain Control x1
Book of Moon x2

Traps: 9
Threatening Roar x1
Sakuretsu Armor x1
Reckless Greed x3 ( good for draw power )
Call of the Haunted x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Icarus Attack x2

Synchros: 15
2 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Gaia Knight Force of the Earth
1 Goyo Guardian
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Thought Archfiend Ruler
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Sea Dragon Lord
2 Blackwing Armed Wing
2 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Colossal Fighter

Side Deck: 15
3 Light Imprisoning Mirror (used against Lightsworn Decks)
2 Imperial Iron Wall (used against decks that remove from play cards)
1 Return From D.D. (used if Macro Cosmos is on the field)
3 Breaker the Magical Warrior (for Spell and Trap Removal)
Mirrors of Oath x3 (good against Synchro Cats & Glads)
1 MST (Spell & Trap Removal)
2 Mind Crush (good against Koaka Meiru based Anti Meta)

I can't get any Delta Crows, Elphins or Vayu. I don't want any D.D. Crows in my Side Deck. Giant Trunade is also good. So plz don't remove it. I can make good combos with it.

Answer :
I run blackwings too so I know what i am talking about. lose all the shields, they are a burden and make you focus your deck more towards synchro summoning. 3 blizzard and sirocco, 1 battlestorm atleast, excellent for backrow disposal and easy to get out with cards i will list further on. i dont like that jinzo but i understand if you like him then keep him.

for spells:
2 allure, check, 3 whirlwind check, heavy check, trunade check. what your missing is mystical space typhoon (battlestorm isnt enuf on its own and you need a lot of extra backrow disposal.) 1 dark eruption is good so we will check it off the list. brain control has become a burden for me and book of moon is meaningless to me too, I switched over to 3 swallow's nest because it helps me get around my opponents cards that target, like bottomless for example, if they use it on my monsters i simply chain the nest and tribute the original target to get out another (this is the way i was talking about earlier of how to get battlestorm out quickly)

traps: in this deck you hav no need for stalling their attack so no threatening or sakuretsu ( dont be afraid to take a hit)
my trap lineup is:
3 reckless
3 icarus attack
1 mirror force

if you feel the need keep torrential, i side-deck it because for times that not i dont need it.

keep playing and finding more combos, with this deck they are never-ending. if you have any questions you can contact me. I'd be glad to help

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rate My Black wing Deck?

please rate my blackwing deck out of 10


3 Blizzard of the far North
3 Sirrico of dawn
3 Bora the Spear
2 Shura the Blue Flame
1 Gale of Whirlwind
1 Sangan
1 Gorz the Emissory of Darkness
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Mystic Tomato
1 Spirit Reaper
3 Kalut the Moon Shadow


3 Black Whirlwind
1 raptor Wing Strike
2 Allure of Darkness
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon


2 Delta Crow Anti Reverse
2 Fake Feathers
1 Magic Cylinder
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Call Of the Haunted
1 Scrape Iron Scarecrow
1 Icarus Attack
1 Solemn Judgment


3 Armour Master
2 Armed Wing
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Magical Android
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 thought Ruller Archfiend
1 Collosal Fighter
1 Sea Dragon Gishilodon
1 Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
1 X-Saber Urbellum

this Deck is built under the September 2009 advance Banlist

Answer :
This is what you must take out

-1 Blizzard
-1 Sirocco
-1 Sangan
-1 Mystic Tomato
-1 Spirit Reaper

+1 Shura The Blue Flame
+2 Vayu
+1 Elphin The Raven

-1 Raptor Wing Strike

+2 Book of Moon
+1 Dark Eruption
+1 Brain Control
-1 Scrap Iron Scarecrow
-1 Magic Cylinder
-2 Fake Feathers
-1 Delta Crow Anti Reverse
-1 Solemn Judgement

+2 Threatening Roar
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Icarus Attack


Been Playing Yugioh since 2002
Regular Hobby League Player

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rate My Blackwing Deck?

Total: 41

Monsters: 20
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
2 Blackwing - Blizzard of Far North
3 Blackwing - Kalut Moon Shadow
2 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear
2 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Dark Creator
1 Jinzo

Spells: 11
2 Allure of Darkness
3 Black Whirlwind
1 Heavy Storm
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Eruption
1 Lightning Vortex or Brain Control
1 Book of Moon
1 Cold Wave

Traps: 10
1 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
1 Threatening Roar
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Reckless Greed
1 Mirror Force
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Icarus Attack

Synchros: 15
Level: 5
1 Sea Dragon Lord

Level 6:
2 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Gaia Knight Force of the Earth
1 Goyo Guardian
2 Blackwing Armed Wing

Level 7:
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Blackwing Armor Master

Level 8:
2 Colossal Fighter
1 Thought Archfiend Ruler
2 Stardust Dragon

Side Deck: 15
3 Light Imprisoning Mirror
2 Imperial Iron Wall
1 Return From D.D.
1 Trap Dustshoot
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior
3 Mirrors of Oath
2 Mind Crush

I can't get any Elphins or Vayus. Don't remove Jinzo because it's my signature card.

Should I run Lightning Vortex or Brain Control???

Answer :
Run a lighting vortex it can definetly save you. You know yesterday I just bought crow's tin and it contained elphin the raven in secret rare try buying it.

Or maybe you can add both since 42 cards is not bad at all

Answer :
nice deck, I'd give it a 8.9/10
what I'd do is get rid of giant trunade, cold wave, and use both vortex and brain control

i'd also get rid of both reckless greeds, and threatening roar and put it a sakuretsu armor and another delta crow anti reverse

Answer :
ur deck is fine, but u say jinzo is ur signature card yet u run 10 trap cards, i think its time u lose it. and get rid of cold wave, add another book of moon, and go with the brain control not the fortex. try addding a 3rd blizzard.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rate/Fix my Yu-Gi-Oh Zombie Deck?

Hey ppls, I was wondering if you could rate/fix my Zombie deck?
Any complements or creative critisism would be appreciated.

My Zombie Deck:


3 Zombie Masters
3 Ryu Kokki
3 Pyramid Turtle
3 Krebons
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (will probably take out when I get my 2nd mezuki)
Cyber Dragon
D.D. Warrior Lady
Breaker the Magical Warrior (might take out)


Allure of Darkness
3 Book of Life
Brain Control
2 Shrink
Book of Moon
Smashing Ground
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Creature Swap
Lightning Vortex


Call of the Haunted
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Compulsory Exacuation Device
Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck:

3 Stardust Dragon
2 Red Dragon Archfiend
Colossal Fighter
Black Rose Dragon
Psychic Lifetrancer
Goyo Guardian
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
Magical Android
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon

So yeah thanks guys =[)

PS: Spammers and YGO Haters will be reported >:(

Answer :
2 thumbs up. The only thing I can say is that it needs a Plaguespreader, maybe instead of Breaker. Otherwise looks very good. 20:20 deck, not too many single cards, multiple copies of main strategy cards, not too many high level monsters.

All in all a good deck.

Answer :
Take out raiza because with zombie world, any non zombie cant be tribute summoned or set.

Subtract 2 ryu kokkis

Get plaguespreader zombie

Take out dd warrior lady. Cards like imperial iron wall should be there.

Add red eyes zombie dragon.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

About ES Cruises 5

About ES Cruises 4

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

About ES Cruises 3

About ES Cruises 2

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

About ES Cruises 1

About BR Cruises 1

Monday, January 31, 2011

About DE Cruises 2

About DE Cruises 1

Sunday, January 30, 2011

About ASIA Cruises 3

Rate and fix my tele-dad deck plz!!!?

Well this s my tele-dad deck... please fix it and rate it as well...:D

monsters X18:
dark armed dragon
gorz the emissary of darkness
destiny hero plasma
caius the shadow monarch
armgeddon knight
cyber valley
necro gardna
krebons X3
gale the whirlwind
dark creator
mystic tomato
snipe hunter
grave squirmer
breaker the magical warior X2

spells X14:
allure of darkness X2
book of moon X2
gold sacrophagus
mind control
brain control
nobleman of crossout
swords of the revealing light
lightning vortex
heavy storm
mystical space typhon
smashing ground
enemy controller

traps X8:
sakuretsu armor
solemn judgment
treatening roar
shadow spell
torrential tribute
dark illusion
bottomless trap hole X2

synchros X15:
power tool dragon X2
ancient fairy dragon X2
black rose dragon
stardust dragon X2
red dragon archfiend
armory arm X2
x - saber urbellum
psychic lifetrancer
colossar fighter
gaia the force of the earth
sea dragon lord gishilnodon

Answer :
first take out plasma and add 2 destiny hero malicious,
take out dark creator, grave whatever and snipe hunter.

add 2 dark grephers and add another armageddon knight

for spells, take out the gold sarco, nobleman, swords, lightening vortex, smashing ground and e-con

and add emergency teleport and reinforcements of the army, and destiny draw

for traps, take out the sekaretso armors, the shdow spell nd the dark illusioh

this deck was nasty i mean come on, you considered it a teleDAD?

and you didnt haveemergency TELEport?

here is the real teleDAD deck list

dad x 1
d hero malicious x 2
krebons x 3
caius the shadow monarch x 1
mystic tomatoe x 1
dark grepher x 2
armageddon knight x 2
sangan x 1
breaker x 1
e hero stratos x 1
gorz x 1
plaguespreader zombie x 1
necro gardna x 3
d hero diamond dude x 1

destiny draws x 2
allure of darkness x 2
emergency teleport x 1
call of the haunted x 1
reinforecments of the army x 1
brain control x 1
mystical space typhoon x 1
heavy storm x 1
smashing ground x 1


solem judgment x 1
phoenix wing wind blast x 2
bottomless trap hole x 2
royal oppresiojn x 2
trap dustshoot x 1
torential tribute x 1

play teledad right

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